UX in 2022.5.1 is suboptimal

Honestly it would be nice if the config was checked automatically when you hit the restart button, and then present the user an “are you sure” warning.

If it’s misconfigured, the system generally won’t come back up and will make it harder to fix the problem.

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I’m pretty sure this change was done awhile ago. It does a configuration check prior to restart.

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to my knowledge it does check automatically, also what i’ve seen others say … i.e. i actually seen it my self, 1 time that i didn’t performed a check … it shows warning and not able to restart, with note saying check config

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You’re right it sure does - just tested it. I didn’t know it did that - now I don’t always have to click the 2 buttons when I restart.

Screenshot from 2022-05-08 11-57-05


I am old and reluctant to change. Yes, I’ve griped in the past and my complaint has almost always been addressed in the Breaking Changes. Overall, I am pleased with the long-term improvements. I started using Home Assistant before Lovelace. I resisted that change as well. But the farther I get away from YAML, the more I like the UI improvements.

I was about to ask you to try, but i wouldn’t have that on my shoulders :grin:

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The configuration is indeed checked when rebooting, but there is a flaw: Sometimes the configuration check succeeds, while all the same the persistent notification area shows a message saying there’s an error preventing some yaml file from loading. I assume that would mean the system reboots nontheless on account of the check saying it is ok.

I’m glad to see this. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have never had it restart with an error in any of my yaml files since the check was added.

Just had it happen to me yesterday when the template sensors were broken but the reboot went through. It did come back alive with a lot of template sensors unavailable, so it wasn’t critical. But it was annoying as I even did the check but failed to spot the notification (left menu was hidden).

This is the important part. Your system would likely have passed the old “Check Config” as well since, as I understand, it doesn’t check the code quality- just the syntax. A misspelled entity name in a properly formatted YAML file will pass. Trust me, I’ve tested this.

Yes right, i actually didn’t make any changes in config.yalm, i just removed an integration … which i forgot there was a reference to in config.yaml :slight_smile: … so i got a little “chocked” seeing the pop-up " Failed" :grin:

Id did come alive, but is was a syntax error causing the entire templates.yaml to fail loading, so as far as home automation goes a huge chunk was broken. I would expect an error like that to show up as a bad config, not just a notification.

Guys. speaking about finding stuff easier in the new interface…
I see that I have a HAOS update pending:

Where should I be able to find it in new UX (if I recall, on the old one it would be on the panel I miss)?

I don’t have anything in settings/about (which wouldn’t be a bad place to put a link to update when available I think, intuitive)

Also nothing in system/updates:

Neither hardware nor system health:

Am I looking in wrong places?
(Also - when first frustration passed, reread what I wrote and decided to change topic title :slight_smile: Not antagonizing the community might prove more constructive in the long run! :wink: )


Where did you get this “binary website update” sensor from ?
( I mean looking for core, supervisor, os, integration updates , is not “Optimalt”, when it says “Home Assistant Website Update Available” )

According to your Screenshot, You’re on the latest, there is no update. 7.6 is the latest currently.

I believe that this sensor is created by the version integration, and that “website” refers to this method of getting version info Version - Home Assistant

In other words, I don’t think it relates to the HAOS version at all, but is the core version.


That’s so strange. I very specifically remember the reddit thread on this which was quite popular with people being absolutely lost with the proposed design changes and hating it. It does seem like most of what was originally proposed was not implemented which is good, but from the feedback that was posted publicly, I have a hard time seeing they were “mostly neutral or positive”.

In this case, I have to side with OP. I get the push towards mobile, but this specific case feels like a step backwards.


I don’t see this behaviour. If I restart from the Dev Tools / YAML page it stays on the YAML page during and after restarting.

I agree, and this is totally annoying.

For people who want to understand the issue, try this automation:

- alias: test
    platform: foo

This happily passes the “Check configuration” test (Configuration valid!), but the logfile throws an error:

Invalid config for [automation]: required key not provided @ data['action']. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 80).