UX in 2022.5.1 is suboptimal

Yes, of course, that’s a mistake on my part - core uses “YYYY.M.X” naming, and it’s an update to 2022.5.3. But I still don’t see it anywhere! o_0

EDIT - screenshots were from yesterday - todays morning I can see the update under config>system>updates

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OR this particular sensor ( Home Assistant Website ) is showing when the website, is updated ( edit: with info regarding new ha-versions) … as it says, the “Home Assistant Versions Sensor” above includes OS,Core, Supervisor ( or the Channels he have chosen )
PS: i don’t know as i don’t have installed this integration

The docs say

The Version integration can display the current Home Assistant Core versions.

See that “core” word?


I just assumed that above means that the " Home Assistant Website " sensor ( if you choose to use that ) will check the Web-Site for new Version ( aka, when the website is updated, with info regarding new updates ), … and as you see above “Home Assistant Versions” uses another “Source” to check for latest Versions ( the same source that are used by the Supervisor to check for updates based on the channel and image you choose. )

Beside, i’ve never been worried about not seeing an update, like windows and basically all software, also HA doesn’t turns up at exactly same point in time, on various peoples various devices various browsers

Just my novice 2 cents worth here…After seeing the changes after updating I didn’t like them at all…why? Simple because it was change… most people don’t like change. After a couple days I know where everything is… it didn’t take me long [figured 2 days at 2 hours a day].

I think if the logistics and logic dictate changes that will improve things then they should be done. For things to move forward they are sometimes inconvenient but totally adjustable. I’m trusting that they are doing what’s best here. So I don’t complain and I certainly am Thankful for all the hard work they do, it’s appreciated. Sometimes change is hard…but this isn’t change to just change…it’s change with a purpose.