V:11.2 Go2RTC Errors with Axis Cameras

I have several Axis cameras and display them in my dashboards. The worked OK with the Axis integration and the picture element. I was looking forward to improved performance with WebRTC.

I see numerous errors in my system log now. I speculate this has something to do with Axis’ H264 codec.

The cameras continue to display and other than the log errors I would not suspect anything is wrong.

Logger: homeassistant.components.go2rtc.server
Source: components/go2rtc/server.py:151
integration: go2rtc (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 7:41:00 AM (32 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:28:58 AM

09:25:13.164 WRN [rtsp] error="streams: wrong response on DESCRIBE" stream=camera.m2026_le_1_orginal
09:25:13.335 WRN [rtsp] error="streams: codecs not matched: H264 => ANY" stream=camera.m2026_le_0_orginal
09:25:13.352 WRN [rtsp] error="streams: wrong response on DESCRIBE" stream=camera.m2026_le_1_orginal
09:25:25.197 WRN [rtsp] error="streams: codecs not matched: H264 => ANY" stream=camera.m2025_le_0_orginal
09:28:58.756 WRN [rtsp] error="streams: codecs not matched: H264 => ANY" stream=camera.m2025_le_0_orginal