V0.89.2 Blink integration - second hub loses knowledge of armed state after 5 minutes

I’m seeing some odd behaviour with my blink sync hubs armed states since updating to 0.89.2 (although this may have been present since 0.89.1). I’d appreciate hearing from anyone else experiencing this issue, or anyone who runs two hubs without this issue.

They are armed and disarmed by a single set of automations based on presence and this all functions correctly.
However, (only) the second hub loses its armed_away state in homeassistant 5 minutes after arming. It does however remain armed as reflected in the official Blink Android app, and triggers based on motion.

From this morning:

Despite the indications of state history, both hubs remained armed for the same length of time according to the official Blink Android app

I have two hubs connected, using the configuration below:

# blink cameras - 15 minute scan interval
  username: !secret blink_usr
  password: !secret blink_pwd
  scan_interval: 900
      - motion_detected

arming automation:

    - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
         entity_id: "alarm_control_panel.blink_sync"
    - delay: '00:00:{{ (range(45, 60)|random|int) }}'
    - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
         entity_id: "alarm_control_panel.blink_outdoor"

disarming automation:

    - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
        entity_id: "alarm_control_panel.blink_outdoor"
    - delay: '00:00:{{ (range(15, 30)|random|int) }}'
    - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
        entity_id: "alarm_control_panel.blink_sync"

I’ve now tested arming the second hub individually and can see the same behaviour for it individually - homeassistant again loses knowledge of the hub’s armed state after 5 / 6 minutes (showing it as disarmed whilst the hub actually remains armed according to the Blink app).
The first hub state is always reported correctly (and was the first hub added to my Blink account chronologically).

I should also note that this all functioned correctly before the last Blink endpoint change.

Raised as: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/22119

cc @fronzbot fyi