Vacuum Cleaner 3C | ijai.vacuum.v18 | Correct script operation and cleaning selection

Hello. I have faced this problem for a long time and I can’t understand how to write a script correctly. The problem is:

  1. I am using information, specifications from here - 米家扫拖机器人3C - 产品规格 - Xiaomi Miot Spec
  2. There is a script:
  alias: Clean Hall
  - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
      entity_id: vacuum.ijai_v18_e134_robot_cleaner
      siid: 7
      aiid: 4
      - piid: 34
        value: '[ "1_12_0_2_0_0_1_1"]'
      - piid: 33
        value: 1053067620
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 1
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
      entity_id: vacuum.ijai_v18_e134_robot_cleaner
      siid: 7
      aiid: 3
      - '12'
      - 0
      - 1
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:sofa-single

So here goes. If earlier in the application or script was selected wet floor cleaning, then the next time I run this script the hoover will demand to set a cloth, although I run dry cleaning and do not set a cloth. And regardless of everything, after the script is executed, the mode is set to this mode, Sweep And Mop:
Even if I forcefully set Sweep mode with a command in the script (via specs, for example), the mode is still set to Sweep And Mop at the last step. Explain how to change the mode set in the application via HA, and where are the Sweep mode settings stored in this case?
Actually, how to correctly change the mode through a script in HA, so that when you run the script for wet cleaning with a cloth on, the hoover goes to wash and vacuum, and when you run the script for dry cleaning - went to vacuum and do not show off. Thank you!

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