Vacuum Domain in Google Assistant Component

It would be awsome to add the domain “vacuum” to the google assistant component. At this time only the following domains are exposed by the component:

  • switch
  • light
  • cover
  • media_player
  • group
  • fan
  • scene
  • script
  • climate

I’m not into the google assistant development, but maybe this would not be to hard :slight_smile: (

thanks in advance


I was looking at this as well, and the dock ( and startstop ( traits are probably most interesting, possibly also the Locator trait (

I’d like this too!

If possible as a simple switch for example (I’m not a developer either), only to start/stop it. I have a deebot vacuum and I’d like to start/stop it thru Google Assistant as the manucafturer doesn’t expose mine (M80 Pro) to GA…