Vacuum Interactive Map Card

Problem solved. i was getting the wrong ID of room, the first time. Now i got the right room id, and it works :slight_smile:

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Sorry if I have missed something simple, I started using this card with Dreame L20, and it all works fine, actually love it.
One thing I am missing, I have 3 floor house, and manged to work with it in Dreame App. But with this card I can handle only the Main Floor. Do we have some support for this in this card?
Each floor has it’s own set of rooms.
Or do I have to keep 3 separate cards for that? How do you guys handle it?

I assume you have 3 cameras (one for every floor). You can follow these steps:

  1. Create a card for every floor
  2. Generate room config for every card
  3. Copy 2 of these configs and add them in additional_presets section of a first card.
    Example config

Thanks for you answer, that seem to be a good solution, I will definitely go for.
However, I have actually 4 camera entities, 1 for the “current” map, on which I get to see the actual passes progress of the robot. And another 3 for each floor, where there will not be live progress.
So should I create one preset with “current” camera, without any set of rooms, call it “Live view”, and then 3 additional preset for each room, with their sets of rooms each?

That depends on your preferences :wink:

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[EDIT - I figured it out]

Hi there,

This is really a great card - the functionality and the documentation is amazing!

I have an old roborock that I’m trying to get sorted on HA. I have a png image which is a snap generated from the valetudo camera system, and my calibration points on said map.

My question is that the map doesn’t seem to render: My guess is that I am not pointing it to the correct image?

The file does seem to be there though:

What am I doing wrong?

Hi, I’am struggling with the rooms config.

When I press the ‘GENERATE ROOMS CONFIG’ button in the card nothing happend. The config stays the same.

This is my card config:

type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
  camera: camera.dreamebot_z10_pro_map
  camera: true
entity: vacuum.dreamebot_z10_pro
vacuum_platform: Tasshack/dreame-vacuum

The card ist not nested in any other card(s).

Dreame Z10 Pro over Xiaomi Account
Dreame: v1.0.4
xiaomi-vacuum-map-card: v2.2.2
HA: 2024.7.1


Thanks for this amazig plugin! I have a Roidme Eve Max Robot. Does Vacuum Interactive Map Card support this Robot?

Model: roidmi.vacuum.sdj60

Im getting an “TypeError: argument of type ‘NoneType’ is not iterable” Error when trying to add my robot.


  • platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    host: ‘’
    token: ‘xxxx’
    username: ‘xxxx’
    password: ‘xxxx’
    draw: [‘all’]
    force_api: roidmi
    • calibration_points

Hi Guys, I am a new member here and not an expert on Home Assistant.
I am having Xiaomi m1s and works ok when using zone clean up - for example.
Issue is when I using room cleaning and when I select the room and press start, it says Success! but nothing happens.

Attached is my Config file.

type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
  camera: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
  camera: true
entity: vacuum.roborock_vacuum_m1s
vacuum_platform: default
  - template: vacuum_clean_zone
  - template: vacuum_goto
  - template: vacuum_clean_segment
      - id: '16'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 24575
          'y': 24300
          text: Hodnik
          x: 24575
          'y': 24300
          offset_y: 35
          - - 22508
            - 24510
          - - 26211
            - 24510
          - - 26211
            - 25533
          - - 22508
            - 25533
      - id: '17'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 29650
          'y': 24600
          text: Dnevna
          x: 29650
          'y': 24600
          offset_y: 35
          - - 26216
            - 22335
          - - 30347
            - 22335
          - - 30347
            - 25828
          - - 26216
            - 25828
      - id: '18'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 24575
          'y': 26975
          text: Kuhna
          x: 24575
          'y': 26975
          offset_y: 35
          - - 23205
            - 26152
          - - 25389
            - 26152
          - - 25389
            - 28242
          - - 23205
            - 28242
      - id: '19'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 28300
          'y': 27475
          text: Jedilnica
          x: 28300
          'y': 27475
          offset_y: 35
          - - 25341
            - 25846
          - - 30429
            - 25846
          - - 30429
            - 28830
          - - 25341
            - 28830
      - id: '20'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 22250
          'y': 23250
          text: Kopalnica
          x: 22250
          'y': 23250
          offset_y: 35
          - - 21000
            - 22400
          - - 23500
            - 22400
          - - 23500
            - 24100
          - - 21000
            - 24100
      - id: '21'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 22700
          'y': 24300
          text: Room 21
          x: 22700
          'y': 24300
          offset_y: 35
          - - 21900
            - 24100
          - - 23500
            - 24100
          - - 23500
            - 24500
          - - 21900
            - 24500
      - id: '22'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 21625
          'y': 26650
          text: Pisarna
          x: 21625
          'y': 26650
          offset_y: 35
          - - 20750
            - 24516
          - - 22565
            - 24516
          - - 22565
            - 28808
          - - 20750
            - 28808

To me all looks ok but not sure why not starting it.

I think your model is not supported at this moment

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Which integration do you use to add the vacuum to HA?

Thank you very much for confirmation. In HA I am using Xiaomi Miio - along this camera integration and card.

Hi All,

There are none obstacles in the Roborock app (iOS)
I try to remove them also in the card. Without success

  1. Removed the integration totally.
  2. Restart HA
  3. Reinstall the integration again using HACS

This didn’t help.

Is there a location that stores the image ?

Try this config:

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Which integration do you use to get map?

I use this integration:

And this integration for the vacuum itself

Have some more options then the core version in HA

Thank you very much for your effort. Appreciate it.
It works now.

Does this card work with core Roborock integration?
I get ‘invalid calibration’ message when using this integration.

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I get these “Missing Configuration: map_image or map_camera” errors once in a while, any ides? Most of the time it´s working great.