Vacuum Interactive Map Card

@xl2019 which vacuum do you have? And what software version?

gen1 003468. It seems someone could get map via http:vacuumip//api//map. i wonder how. Need a shell scripts runing on vacuum? Merry Christmas :smile:

Fantastic work, thank you

hi, i would advice you to look at for map generating

Hi everyone,

If you have root access to your vacuum you can check out this beta version of map camera:

It has been tested on Roborock S55 with just root access (without dustcloud/Valetudo) and plain HA (not
I would be very grateful for your feedback.

Does your implementation retain the robot’s movement after cleanup starts until the end of the run?
Currently I am using this and it only shows the last 10 minutes or so of the vacuum’s movement.

My solution uses the same source of path data, so it is possible, that it also will be showing only the part of a path.
Right now my main focus is on getting map image and providing a way to autocalibrate a map, I will focus on “polishing” a path when I finish these features.

Could you check if current version is working on your setup?

I will not be avaliable this weekend but will check as soon as possible. My main focus will be on cpu usage. My current solution uses around %30 cpu while the vacuum is running which I am not happy with. Normally it is around %3. Running Hass on a nuc.

In my solution map is updated only when camera feed is open, so it shouldn’t use so much CPU. I run it on rpi3b+ and it doesn’t look so bad so far. Using it in lovelace card will cause higher CPU usage, but I haven’t tried it yet on rpi.

How have you rooted your S55? Valetudo?

No, I have only root. I followed these instructions:

Perhaps in the light of perfect integration, it may not be notable, but I currently feel happy with 1) having rooted my xiaomi gen1, 2) having installed Valetudo RC, 3) configured nginx add-on to terminate https and proxy to the vaccum as well as, and 4) configure an iframe card in lovelace to contain the Valetudo web UI:



Hi, @3_14.

This is awesome!

Would you consider to add support for SSH with password authentication, as this is the default configuration on just plain rooted firmware, please?


Hi, I will take a look at it :slight_smile:
For now I suggest connecting using ssh key, which should be the easiest way.
By the way, my rooting process automatically created ssh key, maybe something was changed.

This looks great! Is it possible to use this iframe outside of local network?

@3_14, no, most likely your browser will complain about CORS issues. I have HA and vacuum endpoints under the same domain, and exposed in https through nginx.The iframe points to the https endpoint with a common domain.


I think I have formulated the question incorrectly.

As far as I understand you have exposed your Valetudo instance to the Internet (via nginx). Is it possible to access it directly, not using HA?

I have the exact same error. Have you found a solution yet?


I use these stock root firmwares: They only set a default password SSH login.


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Hi @3_14, yes. In fact it is necessary because the browser needs to point directly to it, to get the contents for the iframe. In my case both HA and Valetudo are behind the same nginx, but the DNS hostnames of HA and valetudo are different.