Vacuum Interactive Map Card

And when i using this with a fixed map picture ?

You will have to recalibrate the map every time the map changesā€¦

I would make a fixed map on which to mark the rooms. Then I would just start zona cleaning so the map would not change.

Or can I create and name zones with Cloud-Map-Extractor?

Ok, this is doable :+1:

You can use map extractor to help you calibrate your map image instead of FloleVac (guide for FloleVac, getting coordinates from Map Card).

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Ohh thatā€™s it, thank you!

And thank you for your work, great card!

thanks, I made this. NOw when I select zone to clean it made green (i set this color).
But it is posible that when I chose zone to clean and start clean this color will disapear? Now after start clean zone is still green and I donā€™t see how the vaccum clean this zone. The color disapear when he finish cleaning but when cleaning in progress I donā€™t see what vaccum doing

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Soooo you want to clear selection in card when cleaning is started?

Something like that. The best way will be if color what I mark zone to cleane will be darker but transparent (like green, because in default theme is white and not on my all devices I see what I select).
But I donā€™t know have make a transparent color. If that is imposible I think that better will be like now - that I select zone to clean and it is colored but when I press start to clean this color desapear and I will be know how vacuum is cleaning.

I tried this:

I selected an area in ā€œzone cleanupā€
and push the play button
But pushing the play button is not showing coordinates??
What am I doing wrong?
Or do I need to set something in the configuration?

Itā€™s possible to make it transparent: rgba(0,255,0,0.3) (docs)

You need to press and hold the Play button for ~1s, details should be presented in a popup and browserā€™s console.

If it still doesnā€™t work then you can add debug: true in cardā€™s config

Thanks for the answer.
I added debug: true, now it is showing up

I added zones to the map very nice feature.

Is it possible to start the zone cleanup menu with the zonelist instead of zone cleanup option?
I switched the template orde in the card, but then no map is showing up

Switching order should be enough, maybe you have a typo in your config

I tried again. Still no map after swopping:

            - type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
              entity: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
#              debug: true
                camera: camera.roborock_s5_max_camera
                camera: true
                - template: vacuum_clean_zone_predefined
                - template: vacuum_clean_zone
                - template: vacuum_goto
                    - icon:
                        name: mdi:silverware
                        x: 23776
                        'y': 33690
                        - - 22562
                          - 31763
                          - 25215
                          - 35483
                    - icon:
                        name: mdi:sofa
                        x: 27913
                        'y': 27118
                        - - 26400
                          - 24967
                          - 30249
                          - 28971
                    - icon:
                        name: mdi:countertop
                        x: 26405
                        'y': 34108
                        - - 25205
                          - 32883
                          - 28561
                          - 35393
                    - icon:      
                        name: mdi:wardrobe
                        x: 24269
                        'y': 29015
                        - - 22547
                          - 24908
                          - 26365
                          - 32242

Ahh I understand!
I need to copy the zones also with te templates

Yes it is working now :grinning: :+1:

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Great, Thats it. Thanks Piotrek :slight_smile:

I am still very new to HA but learning more and more everyday. I managed to add our roborock vacuum to HA with both the simple vacuum card and the map card and they were both working fine 2 days ago but today when I checked it says ā€œunavailableā€ on the simple card and "Missing property:map_source " on the map card. Any tips on what can be wrong or do I need to just redo everything?

Check if all entities exist

I have Viomi S9 robot with Xiaomi MioT integration and i would like to manage custom buttons in your card. When Iā€™m putting eg.
label: xxx
Icon: xxx
I have fault.
Do do you have any example how to edit/manage button options? Was trying all night and nothing working for meā€¦

Post #1001! Thanks for your continuing efforts @3_14!

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