Vacuum Interactive Map Card

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Hello Everbody and Piotr Machowski,

i am quite new in the HA configuration and canā€™t figure something out.
maybe u guys can help me? i canā€™t see the map changing in HA i did the configuration with the 0 and 1 but when i press the buttons in HA the maps changes in my app on the mobile phone in the roborock app but not in the screen of HA it stays at the same map.

My map isnā€™t also update where de vacuum cleaning is running at cleaning spot.

another question why arenā€™t the names of the rooms not the same then in the app on the phone but just numbers? and how can i figurate symbols in the rooms?

this is the code and a screenshot.
i did some research in the links above but i think i do something wrong.

type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
  camera: camera.roborock_s5_max_map
  camera: true
entity: vacuum.roborock_s5_max
vacuum_platform: default
append_icons: true
  - icon: mdi:numeric-0-box
    tooltip: Map 0
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.send_command
        entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s5_max
        command: load_multi_map
        params: 0
  - icon: mdi:numeric-1-box
    tooltip: Map 1
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.send_command
        entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s5_max
        command: load_multi_map
        params: 1
  - template: vacuum_clean_zone
  - template: vacuum_goto
  - template: vacuum_clean_segment
      - id: '16'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 23325
          'y': 23300
          text: Room 16
          x: 23325
          'y': 23300
          offset_y: 35
          - - 20550
            - 21600
          - - 26100
            - 21600
          - - 26100
            - 25000
          - - 20550
            - 25000
      - id: '17'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 24250
          'y': 19575
          text: Room 17
          x: 24250
          'y': 19575
          offset_y: 35
          - - 22750
            - 17600
          - - 25750
            - 17600
          - - 25750
            - 21550
          - - 22750
            - 21550
      - id: '18'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 23550
          'y': 26900
          text: Room 18
          x: 23550
          'y': 26900
          offset_y: 35
          - - 20900
            - 24050
          - - 26200
            - 24050
          - - 26200
            - 29750
          - - 20900
            - 29750
      - id: '19'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 27275
          'y': 20575
          text: Room 19
          x: 27275
          'y': 20575
          offset_y: 35
          - - 23750
            - 18900
          - - 30800
            - 18900
          - - 30800
            - 22250
          - - 23750
            - 22250
      - id: '20'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 30150
          'y': 27650
          text: Room 20
          x: 30150
          'y': 27650
          offset_y: 35
          - - 26200
            - 22250
          - - 34100
            - 22250
          - - 34100
            - 33050
          - - 26200
            - 33050
      - id: '21'
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 26150
          'y': 23675
          text: Room 21
          x: 26150
          'y': 23675
          offset_y: 35
          - - 26100
            - 22350
          - - 26200
            - 22350
          - - 26200
            - 25000
          - - 26100
            - 25000
map_locked: true

Here a picture with some text about the questions.

Just to make sure Iā€™m understanding right. I have a Roborock Q Revo. In order to use this map card, I would have to remove it from Roborock app and switch it to Xiaomi?

  1. Switch Vacuum platform to Roborock
  2. Zone cleaning is not room cleaning it is for drawing a rectangle on the map and cleaning it. Check out map modes here. There is a video in every section

Iā€™m not sure I follow. I took it that you canā€™t pull the map without using the xiaomi extractor component. Which means pairing the vacuum to the xiaomi app. Do I have this wrong?

can u maybe take a look at my post above?
and where can i find the blueprint voor de multimap if i am right for changing floors 0 and 1 ?

There are multiple supported vacuum platforms, as well as map sources. Map Extractor is just one of them. You can use the card with Roborock integration, but you have to choose it in the cardā€™s config

This is the answer to your question

Regarding map updates and switching floors you have to ask it in the repo of the integration that provides the map.

Hi! I am new to this, and I have successfully installed the Vacuum Card Configuration and am perfectly able to control my Xiaomi Roborock S502-00. Wanted to also implement the Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor, but after numerous attempts I am still not able to find a way to choose a camera entityā€¦ Installed and configured Xiaomi Miot Auto update as well as the Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor update, but no matter which vacuum platform I choose ā€“ no camera entity shows up. Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Which app do you use to to control the vacuum?

Ok, yes, I understand now. So using roborock app and roborock platformā€¦

I set up the camera to use the image provided by the roborock integration but I canā€™t see how to get the calibration points right. Any tips?

Seems like switching to xiaomi setup is ultimately the easiest way to go.

I am using the Xiaomi Miio integration.

Use this integration instead

Miio or Miot Auto?

What does Map Extractor camera show?

Xiaomi Miio ā€” the Roborock integration doesnā€™t seem to work with my vacuum. I get an exception when trying to log in, and the support note states that ā€œsome older vacuums like the Roborock S5 must be connected using the Mi Home app and can be set up in Home Assistant through the Xiaomi Miio integration.ā€

Ok, so Map Extractor should work with it. What is the exact problem?

Iā€™m following the instructions for adding the camera to the map card using the recommended commands, adding the IP address and token for my vacuum, as well as my username and password. However, no camera entity becomes available in the pulldown menu, and the option to generate room config remains greyed out.

Is there a camera entity in dev tools?

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your state developer tools.

Is there anything in logs?

No camera entity in dev tools either, as far as I can see. Not quite sure where to look for the logs (being the newbie I amā€¦).

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant logs.