Vaillant/MultiMATIC integration

I tried the integration with a vr921 connected to Wifi but it doesn’t work, it tells me wrong login but the credentials work on the Vailant app
I also have the thermo state 720 but I can’t get anything to work, can you help me?

@tropfen, unfortunately, these are server errors. Servers are quite unstable since one week approx.
We contacted them, but well, the answer is like “yeah we know, we did some work to improve the stability, the security” and blablabla.

@Jaspack Which temperature do you want to send ? You can send target temperature, but of course, you can’t send the actual temperature to the API. Anyway, it sounds more like an automation to do at your side (start/stop the heating based on an entity state)

@Ropese, Unfortunately, the integration is not compatible with VR921. While the mobile app is the same as for VR920, the API behind (and data exchange) are quite different for VR921 and the API is not documented, so this is no possible for me to make it compatible.

thanks I understood the opposite. not even with the thermostat 720 sensoconfort?

Well, if you manage to login, you might have few entities, something like the outside temperature and “not so useful” stuff like that.

I’m also open to receive a PR in github and I can also provide some support to have VR921 supported, but it needs quite a lot of work I think

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Hello, I have just installed a new heater.
This is controlled by a sensoCOMFORT VRC 720.
Can this work with your software?
Do you need me to deal with some manipulations to help you evolve the version? Thanks

Hi, I am a beginner in HA and I have installied your program (thanks for it!). Do I need to install the underlying connector manually, or is this automatically installed with the integration?

Thanks for your help.

Thanks for the response!

I was indeed trying to send the actual temperature to the existing thermostat to mimic its actual temperature it should be reading from the room. I did found someone who had the exact same problem as me and resolved this by sending out ebus commands which correspond to the ones originating from the thermostat:


I would recommend you to install it through HACS: GitHub - thomasgermain/vaillant-component: Multimatic integration for Home Assistant (NOT compatible with sensoAPP) (you can install HACS here:

Once you installed the integration, you only need to configure it (login and password), all dependencies are downloaded automatically

Thanks a lot for your efforts in making this interesting integration. I installed it and it was easy to bring the values on a dashobard.
I understood that the integration gets the input in the same way as the mobile app of Vaillant. In this app the informations are very limited compare to what is available in the heating system itself. I am interested to get the values of the consumption. Are these values available und maybe just not made visible in the App of Vaillant. Are the informations you can get with your integration limited to the ones visible in the App?
I got 4 devices and 12 entities by the multimatic integration. I am using a VR921.

Does anyone face issues with the server connectivity since 2 days? I saw that in my multimatic app that there was an update for the VR921 but hangs now on “Serverdaten lesen”.
Also I don’t see any updated data in the App nor in Home Assistant.
Restart of GW did not help.

I had the same problem, I restarted the GW and the boiler and it seems to work again

Did not work out for me. Tried several restarts of GW + boiler. I reached out to the support team and currently waiting for response.

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Hi Guys,
I’m new here and I read all your amazing posts…
I’ve a question for you: is there a url to get the boiler status ?
I need to know when is active and burning to warm up the water.
I’ve a sensonet VR921.

any info is apreciated thank you



here is the url: You should have a status_code which should reflect what the boiler is doing, but note that not all the boiler returns this status.

Thank you Tgermain,
I will try and I will let you if it works :wink:

many thanks.

Hi tgermain,
I’ve just tried and a got this output with the url:

“body”: {},
“meta”: {
“onlineStatus”: {
“status”: “ONLINE”
“firmwareUpdateStatus”: {
“syncState”: [
“state”: “SYNCED”,
“timestamp”: 1668239570660,
“link”: {
“rel”: “self”,
“resourceLink”: “/facilities/123456789/hvacstate/v1/overview”

I think the status code ONLINE means that the gateway VR921 is reachable and connected on internet because when I run the command the boiler (burner) was off.

what do you think ?

I was as I know and I discover during my tests (there no documentation of the API :/), onlineStatus indeed means the the VR921 is online.

You might want to retry when your boiler is on. But as I said, some boiler don’t return any status. If call the API, I’m receiving:

  "body": {
    "errorMessages": [
        "deviceName": "VC BE 246/5-3",
        "type": "STATUS",
        "title": "Mode chauffage : Arrêt temporaire après une opération de chauffage",
        "statusCode": "S.8",
        "description": "...",
        "hint": "...",
        "timestamp": 1545896904282
  "meta": {
    "onlineStatus": {
      "status": "ONLINE"
    "firmwareUpdateStatus": {
      "status": "UPDATE_NOT_PENDING"
    "syncState": [
        "state": "SYNCED",
        "timestamp": 1546439817247,
        "link": {
          "rel": "self",
          "resourceLink": "/facilities/1234567890123456789012345678/hvacstate/v1/overview"

unfortunately I know there isn’t any documentation about the API.
I will try to dig deeper and thank you for your info :slight_smile:

Hi all. Did you also has problem thatgateway is no connected to server Vaillant ? From yesterday i have a problem that my Vaillant id offline. It has connected wire and has internet.

Same for me. Gateway cannot reach vaillant servers :frowning:

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