Vaillant/MultiMATIC integration

me neither can’t acccess

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Hi guys,

I have exactly the same problem. This morning I started the SensoApp because I couldn’t read any outdoor temperature data in the Home Assistant. There appeared a history for the update of the SensoNET module. The process hung at the point “Serverdaten lesen”. I went to work and hoped to have finished the update after returning home. However, the message “Serverdaten lesen” still appeared in the SensoAPP. Restarting SensoNET did not solve the problem.

So I was able to solve the problem for me (Android App):

  • Open SensoAPP App-Details
  • Force quit (in ger: Beenden erzwingen)
  • Clear or empty memory and cache (in ger: Speicherinhalt löschen, Cache leeren)
  • Restart SensoAPP and log in
    – it appears that the server is not reachable
  • wait a short time, force SensoAPP to quit again

After that the SensoAPP was reachable again, but nothing was listed in the rules (Regeln). So I tried under settings “Anlage hinzufügen” to add the system again. The message appeared: “Anlage bereits hinzugefügt”. After that I saw that the control was available in the rules again. Probably I had to wait a bit again. Now the SensoAPP works again. After the update, Home Assistant can no longer read the entity ZONE1, but a new entity “Flow temperature” appeared. My problem with the display of the outdoor temperature was solved.


The problem still seems to exist. Although values are displayed in the app, they are no longer updated. The problem seems to be with Vaillant.

Yesterday app Vaillant works ok but from this night it no working… App on android still try sync and nothing…you also has this problem ?

Yep, having the same issue. It’s a shame that vaillant has so many outages. I contacted the support and they respond that I should check my WIFI because it seems my GW has instable connections… :frowning: I responded how they could explain 5xx status codes of their server with my “bad wifi connection”. :slight_smile:

But i have connected it by LAN. Now it work ok and connected with Vaillant server

Did vaillaint change something server side? I’m not able to login anymore with the pyMultimatic code, i get following errors: aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientOSError: [WinError 64] The specified network name is no longer available?

I almost think Vaillant has locked us out as API users. The app sensoAPP still works, with the API I get vr900connector.api.apierror.ApiError: (‘Error during authentication’, None) . You can’t log in anymore.
Yes, I use the old vr900connector, use the API externally without HomeAssistant (because of sensoNET VR 921). But the problem will be the same, I think. since 19.11.22 17:20

I also get an error in the log:
`pymultimatic.api.error.ApiError: Cannot get token at, status: 401, response: <!doctype html>HTTP Status 401 – Unauthorizedbody {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;} h1, h2, h3, b {color:white;background-color:#525D76;} h1 {font-size:22px;} h2 {font-size:16px;} h3 {font-size:14px;} p {font-size:12px;} a {color:black;} .line {height:1px;background-color:#525D76;border:none;}

HTTP Status 401 – Unauthorized

Type Status Report

Description The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.

Apache Tomcat/mobilDIALOG-Live

,payload: None

Getting exactely the same error: (using pymultimatic in python):
Cannot get token at, status: 401, response: <!doctype html>HTTP Status 401 – Unauthorized
Is Vaillant blocking API access? Acces via multimatic app (android) is OK at this moment.

Same here, multiMATIC app (iOS) also was not working (showing “not compatible” error) for some time, but now seems to be working again. So they must be using a different API for the app. When trying the API (token/new) from Postman, I get a 401 response with HTML content or a connection refused error. Looks Vaillant either have a major issue with their system, or they have shut down that API. Btw, I’m not using Home Assistant directly, but have written my own client based on the information in tgermain’s implementation. I’m writing the data into an InfluxDB database for visualization with Grafana. I’m starting to think about writing an EE-Bus implementation to get the data directly from the gateway without going through the Vaillant API.


The app is not fully working for me, I can access which is a step forward from when it first failed, but I still cannot access consumption data. I have emailed the address on the screenshot to query.

Hi Gunter. tgermain just released pymultimatic 0.6.11, which fixes the issue here.

but since 2022-11-21 15:26 it works again for me without any intervention.

If you use hacs, you should be prompted with a new update.


Thanks, updated my code with tgermain’s change (additional header) and it also works again.

I want to make http requests to retrieve the Json for a Fibaro box.
I don’t want to send any cmd.
Is it possible to share connection requests? (get)


Anyone to give me some clues?

Is anyone using this integration with an air source heat pump?

Not yet…and from what I understand it won’t work with my upcoming Arotherm Plus since that comes with the Sensocomfort 720 control unit…

It works with an Arotherm plus as VR720 is not required. I have one using the VR700 and working very well with this integration together with a VR921.

Btw. soon they will migrate all to the myVaillant app. Not sure if this integration will still work afterwards. Also the vaillant servers are very unstable (almost every 2 days down). So I will move on with a local ebus integration once my ebus-adapter arrives.