Vaillant/MultiMATIC integration

btw… i use the senso app and i get 19 entities

the gw is a VR920,

can i check if i miss something… or is the integration comp with sensoApp ?

Regarding myVAILLANT: I built a poof-of-concept integration for HACS here: GitHub - signalkraft/mypyllant-component

It will probably fail for a lot of people, because as @tgermain said there is no documentation. I was only able to reverse engineer the APIs that my rooted Android device was using (on a very simple heat pump setup).


This is great news. I am still waiting for my Arotherm Plus, but am glad to see work beginning on a Home Assistant integration of the new VR921 and myVaillant app!

Since sunday 26/2 I don’t get gas consumption data out of the integration (but I also don’t get the data in the Multimatic app). Am I the only one having this issue or are the vaillant servers acting up again?

Of course it works again half an hour after I post this. Are people from Vaillant reading along? :smiley: Also a coincidence that it just started working again after I restarted HA… :face_with_monocle:

Since some days the set_quick_mode service doesn’t work any longer.

It seems not to be found. It’s not provided if I try to reconfigure my Widget and isn’t found if I use the current config that worked proper for several months.

That might be caused by the 1.13.0 version → see release note here: Release 1.13.0 - Breaking changes · thomasgermain/vaillant-component · GitHub

It has been asked for quite a long time now, I’m pleased to announce the next beta 1.14.0b2 with … sensoAPP support !

See release note here: Release 1.14.0b2 - SensoAPP · thomasgermain/vaillant-component · GitHub

Special thanks to @sylvainvh and @xaviergriffon for their hard work !


I’m currently running Vaillant Ecotec plus 418 - VR65 - Tado via ebus. The question is will I get any boiler stats if I add VR920 or VR921?


can you please give me some sample code for getting the existing heating zones.
Can you please also give me a sample for changing the OperatingModes to OFF and AUTO

Actually I’m using


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import asyncio
import sys

import aiohttp

from pymultimatic.systemmanager import SystemManager
from pymultimatic.model import System, quick_mode

async def main(user, passw):
print('Trying to connect with user ’ + user)

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    manager = SystemManager(user, passw, session)
    #system =  await manager.set_zone_heating_operating_mode('Control_ZO1','OperatingModes.OFF')
    system =  await manager.set_zone_heating_operating_mode('Zone1','OperatingModes.OFF')
    zone =  await manager.get_zone('Zone1')
    #system =  await manager.get_system()

if name == “main”:
if not len(sys.argv) == 3:
print(‘Usage: python3 user pass’)
user = sys.argv[1]
passw = sys.argv[2]

asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main(user, passw))

I only get

Trying to connect with user

<aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0xf66f8d78>



and the OperatingModes wasn’t set to OFF.

thx for your help



today, i restarted HA and multimatic is giving an error. Errno 104. Phone App is ok. and i tried on a different system with “pymultimatic”, with the same error. i tried with 2 different usernames.

just remove integration, trying to re-add integration: errno 104


an idea ?

PS: ha + integration updated to the last


first of all, thanks @tgermain for your work on the Vaillant integration.
I will soon get my Vaillant flexotherm exclusive and I think we will get the new black touch controller. If I understood correctly, this means I have SensoAPP and your latest Beta Release should work with it?

What I want to do is increasing the boiler temp. and the target room temp. (no buffer), when it is a sunny day and I have excess solar energy from PV. Is this possilble?
I am quite new in this home assistant community, so I hope you can help me a little bit :slight_smile:

Thank you!
Best regards

great news

i will check if i get more options, the only thing i would like to control that i cant is the circulation pump

just installed it and picked senso, the climate control is gone, i used that to quick set temperature when wind outside is above 9 m/s


first one is senso, the other is multimactic, so multimatic gets me the last few entities i need

I installed this yesterday and had a “climate” entity for Zone 1. This then stopped working and after re-adding the integration it vanished completely…

Do this function work ( I run newest beta with sensoapp )

  action: call-service
  service: multimatic.set_quick_mode_21222300202609620938037101n0
  service_data: null
  quick_mode: QM_HOTWATER_BOOST

I get this error

as i prepare for winter, i have one Q… why is it that we cant control the circulation pump? no need to have that running if weather is good enough that we can stop heat production during day time

Can someone explain me which different methods I have to use your integration?

What do I need to buy (sensoNet, eBusd, …)? And which pros/cons?

I have a Vaillant ecoTEC plus (VC 146/5-5 (E-DE) R6) + VRC700_5.

Full setup:

  • VIH S 400/3 BR R1 auroSTOR
  • VR71
  • VC 146/5-5 (E-DE) R6 ecoTEC plus
  • VRC700_5

Edit: Okay I think you integration doesn’t work with ebusd? Which advantages does your solution have in relation to the ebusd?


thanks for your work with this integration. I’m using it with the multiMATIC application and the gateway VR921.

Somehow, the multimatic.set_quick_mode_[serialNo] service does not work properly anymore. I just want to switch the system off. In the past, I used the quick_mode “QM_SYSTEM_OFF” for that. This does not work anymore. It just happens nothing when using this quick_mode. Using the quick_mode “QM_ONE_DAY_AWAY” works as you would expect it.

Any idea how to fix this?

After update to 2023.9, how can I fix it?

Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 07.16.05 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 07.16.05

Setup failed for custom integration multimatic: Requirements for multimatic not found: [‘pymultimatic==0.7.0’].

Logger: homeassistant.util.package
Source: util/
First occurred: 07.15.48 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 07.16.05

Unable to install package pymultimatic==0.7.0: ERROR: Cannot install pymultimatic==0.7.0 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies. ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit Dependency Resolution - pip documentation v23.3.dev0 [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.1.2 → 23.2.1 [notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip