Vaillant/MultiMATIC integration


I was wondering whether this component can also be used for vaillant vSmart thermostat? ( I did a quick test, but didn’t seem to work)

(currently I’m using: )



no indeed, it doesn’t work with vSmart, and it won’t be the goal if the integration here to include it. While both are vaillant branded, they are completely different (API behind is not the same at all).



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ah tx thomas!

Hi tgermain,

just wanted to let you know I have updated to HomeAssistant 0.110 and to v.1.3 of Vaillant component.
Everything works great, I have encountered no errors in the log.
Thank you very much for doing such an amazing job.

Hello tgermain,

i’m also interested in this components. I have a question not 100% related to vaillant. i installed home assistant core on docker and i copied vaillant directory under “custom_components” in the same directory than configuration YAML. you said “… via the ui you can configure the vaillant components”. but nothing to see in home assistant ui…
Do you have any hint for me ?

Best regards,


Hello Eric,

you should be able to configure the integration via configuration (left menu) -> integrations -> and you have to search for vaillant.

Let me know if you have some trouble.


thanks for your answer.

i use docker and portainer to manage my homeassistant installation. copied the files in right (i think) place.
no vaillant appears in integrations.


Did you restart your HA ?

If yes, so you have the following directory structure : config/custom_components/vaillant right ? and inside the vaillant directory you have some .*py files right ?


thank you for your help. i found the solution here.
i had to clear the cache of my browser and the magic happened.

thank you for this nice components.

best regards.


i see on the screenshot: “Erreur Chaudiere”, i don’t this on my system. is there a way to check this ?

Best regards,

Hello Eric,

actually this sensor depends on the boiler you have. Some boiler (I can’t tell you which ones) are sending a status others don’t. So if you don’t have this sensor, it means the status of your boiler is not available through the API.

Best Regards,


When you are planing implement this integration to official Home Assistant Integration ? Is any chance ?


there is definitely a chance. I don’t know when. I received few bugs (from the integration and also the underlying connector).

I have less time now, but I will have more time soon.


Ok Good we are waiting :slight_smile:
Thanks for very Good Job.

It seems, that they are willing to provide a own solution for Home Assistant. Theres an active job offer for students.

Sounds interesting, It really seems they will do something. And if this is something that can be integrated into HA, then it will be open source for sure.

maybe I can apply ? :smile:


are you experiencing problems since yesterday?
Vr920 is connected. but data are not refreshed anymore (HA and the official app)

best regards,



yes same here, since the official app is not refreshing anymore, I consider this is on their side, I sent them a ticket through the app, wait and see… :confused:

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I had the same problem the past couple of days. Seems like it is resolved by Vaillant since about an hour ago.

What I am trying to do now is create a toggle inside HA that enables me to temporarily turn off my heating installation. This could be very useful since my heat pump can make quite some noise. Therefore I plan to install a physical ‘pause’ button in the garden.

I guess I could use a quick mode for my idea. There is a service to enable a quick mode available in this integration. How do I call the service to enable a quick mode? I guess it can be done by making a script, but I don’t know how to pass the variable for QM_SYSTEM_OFF into the service. Could someone help me out? It is much appreciated!

Yes, it seems it has been fixed around 2pm today.

I actually have a ui toggle so I can activate, desactivate the heatingn here is a simplified version:

  - type: horizontal-stack
    show_header_toggle: false
      - type: entity-button
        entity: binary_sensor.vaillant_quick_mode
        name: Chauffage on
        icon: mdi:radiator
          action: call-service
          service: vaillant.remove_quick_mode
      - type: entity-button
        entity: binary_sensor.vaillant_quick_mode
        name: Chauffage off
        icon: mdi:radiator-off
          action: call-service
          service: vaillant.set_quick_mode
            quick_mode: 'QM_SYSTEM_OFF'  

It creates 2 buttons in the UI, one to disable the heating (so calling vaillant.set_quick_mode with QM_SYSTEM_OFF) and a second one to re-enable the heating (calling vaillant.remove_quick_mode without any param).

I also use the binary_sensor.vaillant_quick_mode entity because then you have some color set by when the quick mode is enabled so I can know if the quick mode is enable. (And I also think the entity is mandatory for an entity-button card). This is not perfect since it toggles the color for both buttons. But I guess, you can easily create another entity based on binary_sensor.vaillant_quick_mode and check if the actual quick mode is QM_SYSTEM_OFF

Hope it helps