Valid domains for Node Red-generated logbook entries

I want to record actions by key nodes in my Node Red configuration by creating logbook entries. I have successfully done this with the call service node below. However, I can only get it to work with the Entity Id “switch.test_switch” (the only switch I have). I would like to use a variety of Entity IDs (eg input_booleans, and maybe some generic “automation” entity) to help me filter the resulting logbook entries. Using the “switch.test_switch” entity is not optimum because the link in the logbook then takes you off to the switch state history - and not the history of the item I am tracking.

Can entities in other domains be used for this create logbook entry call service node ?



[{"id":"e7b45b60.5e2268","type":"api-call-service","z":"6affc42.070f33c","name":"write to Logbook","server":"8c22212.4d03fe","version":1,"debugenabled":false,"service_domain":"logbook","service":"log","entityId":"switch.test_switch","data":"{\"name\":\"Test Mode\",\"message\":\"selected\"}","dataType":"json","mergecontext":"","output_location":"","output_location_type":"none","mustacheAltTags":false,"x":460,"y":1600,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"8c22212.4d03fe","type":"server","name":"Home Assistant","addon":true}]

I leave the Entity Id field empty and instead include it in the json data. When I click the link in the Logbook it takes me to that entity Id. I think you can use any existing entity. I haven’t tried it with input booleans or automation entities.

    "name": "Moisture Sensor",
    "message": "{{payload}}",
    "entity_id": "sensor.moisture_sensor_humidity",
    "domain": "sensor"

thanks for your reply, but sadly doesn’t seem to work for input_boolean :frowning:

  • and I can’t even get it to work for a sensor like you’ve shown in your example !