I’m using several sensors (door/window/temperature/humidity) and a few actors with Zigbee2MQTT. Is there a best practice or a standard procedure with Home Assistant for detecting and handling sensors failing to report new values?
E.g. if i use a thermostat and a separate room temperature sensor and try to build an automation that adjusts the set temperature of the termostat I have to stop fully opening the thermostat if the room temperature sensor fails below the desired temperature and the value no longer changes.
Or I would like a windows sensor to show “unknown” if it didn’ report/confirm the last value for a certain time (preferrably with a kind of keep-alive mechanism e.g. once an hour).
Is there a way for a signal to go “bad” or “undefined” if a (preferably configurable) criteria is met? Of course for Zigbee there seems to be no standard reporting interval but if e.g. the temperature sensor is known to report a new value every 5 minutes I would like the signal to be set to “undefined” after 15 or 20 minutes.