Value_template synthax


I have a problem with the “value_template” synthax.
I have a sensor which tell me a unit and a sensor which tell me a value.

In the sensor which Tell me the value I want to make a if than else:
the unit is “kWh” than use the value
Use the value and divide the value with 1000
End if

Here is my try:

- platform: scrape
resource: ""
name: pv_unit
select: '#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PublicPagePlaceholder1_PageUserControl_ctl00_PublicPageLoadFixPage_energyYieldWidget_energyYieldUnit'

- platform: scrape
resource: ""
name: pv_value
select: '#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PublicPagePlaceholder1_PageUserControl_ctl00_PublicPageLoadFixPage_energyYieldWidget_energyYieldValue'
value_template: '{% if is_state("sensor.pv_unit", "kWh") %}states.sensor.pv_value{% else %}states.sensor.pv_value/1000{% endif %}'
unit_of_measurement: 'KW/h'

But as the result I get the text “states.sensor.pv_value” not the value or if the Unit is not kWh the value/1000 :frowning:

Can someone help me with the synthax?

Thank you

The solution:

  - platform: scrape
resource: ""
name: pv_wert
select: '#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PublicPagePlaceholder1_PageUserControl_ctl00_PublicPageLoadFixPage_energyYieldWidget_energyYieldValue'
value_template: '{% if is_state("sensor.pv_einheit", "kWh") %}{{ value | float }}{% else %}{{ value | float / 1000 }}{% endif %}'
unit_of_measurement: 'kW/h'

 - platform: scrape
resource: ""
name: pv_einheit
select: '#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PublicPagePlaceholder1_PageUserControl_ctl00_PublicPageLoadFixPage_energyYieldWidget_energyYieldUnit'