Value template to move decimal position

Hello – i am having trouble using a value template. it works and displays properly in the dev tab templates but when used for a sensor i get a value of 0.

# sensor
- platform: snmp
  name: Eaton5PX1500_current
  baseoid: .
  unit_of_measurement: "A"
  value_template: "{{ states('sensor.Eaton5PX1500_current') | float / 10  }}"

the value needs to be divided by 10. So instead of 56 it shoud show 5.6 and
when using template i get 0. i also try adding parenthesis on before states and after 10.Could it order of operation issue i dont understand ?

any pointers are most welcome thanks!

Looking at the example for the SNMP sensor:

- platform: snmp
  name: Eaton5PX1500_current
  baseoid: .
  unit_of_measurement: "A"
  value_template: "{{ (( value | float ) / 10 ) | float }}"

one problem might be (is likely…) that the entity_id is wrong. entity_id’s never use capital letters. So when you use the state() method it and you convert it to a float it returns a 0 instead of unknown.

Change the capitals to the correct version and it should work. As long as there aren’t any other errors…

changing to lower case still showing zero, dev templates does not appear to be case sensitive.
although its name has capitals i see how on the states page is lower case and why i should do that anyway so thanks!

that worked and after staring at it long enough it clicked. thank you so much i appreciate the nudge!