Hi I would very much appreciate any help debugging my yaml from a HA newbie in this forum of experts!
I have a bunch of sensors integrated in HA but it seems all sensors where the value is encased in double quotation marks are not reading and appearing as unknown in dashboards.
I’m not trying to be pedantic here, but you’re not using words that are from your previous post.
Are these all the same?
Assuming they are, and assuming that Sound Level is Max Sound Level (which is working). And assuming that this is your json data [{"propertyId":"lorawan-v1-0-xspas8wl3iiqksd9-frequency-weight-type-gzqithfy4o","timestamp":1730909017000,"value":"A"}], then your template should be "{{ value_json[0].value }}" not "{{ value_json.value }}"
Apologies yes they are all the same maybe the image doesn’t help as that’s labelled to be more human readable, its the json payload and yaml code which is is the source of the problem i think!
Well, there’s nothing wrong with your setup if you use the template "{{ value_json[0].value }}". That is the correct template and the rest of your yaml is correct. Are you 100% sure you restarted after changing to that template? And are you 100% sure you had the yaml correct when you tried that template?
Yes to both and it has me stumped… i have a lot of MQTT sensors and the common problem across all is when the values in the JSON payload are encased in “ “
But your payload isn’t encased in quotes. So I’m not sure what you mean. The value_json is JSON (not in quotes), and the only quotes are on the keys and the values inside the JSON object, which is normal.