Vantage integration


I am very interested in the HACS integration for the davis vantage weather station.

I an running HA on a windows machine with VM virtualbox manager. The davis is with a serial connection on com1 connected to the windows machine.

Can anyone help me with connecting com1 to the VM machine so HA can connect to the davis?
I guess there has to be done something on the .settings tab / serial ports’ in the VM manager but I don’t know how/what.

Can anyone help?

I am running HA in a VirtualBox and doing passthru’s for serial connectivity.

Currently my Davis weather station is plugged in to CumulusMX and doing MQTT. It is also plugged in to a Meteohub / Meteostick.

Just configure the port for the Davis in the configuration tab of VB before you run it; then configure the serial port in HA.


I use cumulusMX now, that works.