Variable in iframe

I have installed variable and habe a variable var.url_flight with an url
I want to use it in a iframe but it does work

working in template editor : my variable is {{states(‘var.url_flight’)}}
not working with iframe
type: iframe
url: {{states (’ var.url_flight ')}}
aspect_ratio: 75%
title: flight details

any help

The iframe card does not support templates. Place the whole card into config-template-card.

same problem

Could you please give me an example? I want to show a website as iframe with var in the url. Thanks.

Smth like

type: custom:config-template-card
  - ....
  type: iframe
  url: '${ ... add JS code here ...}'

Check docs for config-template-card for details.

An example:
How to calculate a route between 2 points (not sure if ALL countries are supported)

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: entities
    title: Yandex Maps
      - type: section
        label: From
      - entity: input_number.test_latitude_1
        name: Latitude
      - entity: input_number.test_longitude_1
        name: Longitude
      - type: section
        label: To
      - entity: input_number.test_latitude_2
        name: Latitude
      - entity: input_number.test_longitude_2
        name: Longitude

  - type: custom:config-template-card
      varLAT_FROM: states['input_number.test_latitude_1']
      varLONG_FROM: states['input_number.test_longitude_1']
      varLAT_TO: states['input_number.test_latitude_2']
      varLONG_TO: states['input_number.test_longitude_2']
      - ${varLAT_FROM.entity_id}
      - ${varLONG_FROM.entity_id}
      - ${varLAT_TO.entity_id}
      - ${varLONG_TO.entity_id}
      type: iframe
      aspect_ratio: '1:1'
      url: >-
          "" +
          varLAT_FROM.state +
          "%2C" +
          varLONG_FROM.state +
          "~" +
          varLAT_TO.state +
          "%2C" +
          varLONG_TO.state +