Variable use in a wait for trigger with more values


I like to check my variable mediaplayer statues. Options are idle and standby
I got it working for one option, but more than one option is ok.
Can somebody help?

this one works for one value

          - wait_for_trigger:
              - platform: template
                value_template: "{{ is_state(mplayer, \"idle\") }}"
            enabled: true

tried more values

          - wait_for_trigger:
              - platform: template
                value_template: "{{ states(mplayer) in ["standby", "idle"] }}"
            enabled: true

The issue is your use of double-quotes both inside and outside the curly braces. You can use either single quotes or double quotes in either location, just make sure you use a one kind outside and the other kind inside:

          - wait_for_trigger:
              - platform: template
                value_template: "{{ states(mplayer) in ['standby', 'idle'] }}"
            enabled: true

Otherwise you have to use \ to escape as shown in your “one value” example.

ahh, learned again!
Does this value_template with states instead of is_state also gives a true or false ?

The the answer to the in() test renders true or false, the states() function alone provides the string to be tested. You can also use a list of states when using the is_state() function:

"{{ is_state(mplayer, ['standby', 'idle']) }}"

When i put it all together, it still does not work ok.
I want to set te volume for my nest and wait till its ready.
When i disable the sequence nr 2, wait for trigger and use a delay it works. But a delay isnt a good option. When i disable the delay and use the trigger is does not sound…

alias: Play_alarm_wav
  beep: "{{ beep if beep is defined else 1 }}"
  wacht: "{{ wacht if wacht is defined else 1 }}"
  beeps: "{{ beeps if beeps is defined else 0 }}"
  wachts: "{{ wachts if wachts is defined else 0 }}"
  volume: "{{ volume if volume is defined else 0.5 }}"
  mplayer: >-
    {{ mplayer if mplayer is defined else
    'media_player.chromecast_huiskamer_nest' }}
  - service: media_player.volume_set
      volume_level: "{{volume}}"
      entity_id: "{{mplayer}}"
    enabled: true
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state(mplayer, ['standby', 'idle']) }}"
    enabled: true
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: "{{wacht}}"
      milliseconds: 0
    enabled: false

Are you sure this is the right type of trigger for what you are trying to do? What state is the media player in prior and/or during the volume change? For the template trigger to work, the media player must change from a state that is not either ‘standby’ or ‘idle’ to ‘standby’ or ‘idle’… a change between those two states or remaining in either of those states will not cause the trigger to fire.

problem seems to be the mediaplayer and its state changes…
good news is that i can reuse your solutions in another part.
for this part i use the delay