VCS (git) for configuration 2024

I’ve been using Home Assistant for several years now and have consistently maintained version control of my configuration using Git.

Initially, managing the entire configuration in Version Control System (VCS) was seamless, encompassing friendly names, icons, and other details within YAML files. However, in the past few years, the shift towards UI configuration has led to the deprecation of numerous YAML configurations. This poses a challenge in maintaining a comprehensive version-controlled setup, as simply adding the /config/.storage folder to VCS doesn’t feel adequate.

As of late 2023, there have been changes in how community addons store files to facilitate their inclusion in backups. This change involves relocating addon-user-data-files from /config to /addon_configs, a modification that appears reasonable. For instance, in the case of Appdaemon, files have transitioned from /config/appdaemon to /addon_configs/XXXX_appdaemon/.

With these files now situated outside the VCS root (/config), it leaves me uncertain about the optimal approach for handling them. I’m curious to know how you’ve been managing your configuration with VCS (Git) in 2024.