VegTrug Grow Care Garden (MiFlora like sensor)

I’ve read that the MiFlora app lets you choose what type of plant the sensor is in from a database of 3-5 thousand. This automatically sets up alerts for if the plant is getting water or light outside its optimal ranges.

Somewhere on this forum it sounded like people had downloaded or reverse engineered the list of plants and their optimal settings. I was wondering if the HA MiFlora integration has access to similar info to let you choose the plant type and alert you if the light/water level is out of the plants ideal range.

The sensor is now available under the Xiaomi brand as Flower Care Max flower care max - Buy flower care max with free shipping on AliExpress

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I have 2x vegtrug sensors (the big ones) and 2x normal miflora (the small ones) in my garden.

I installed everything with HACS ble monitor as well as manuelly in the config. But the problem is, that I don’t see the battery values of the vegtrug sensors (it shows 100% since 2-3 weeks now).

The battery values of the normal miflora-sensors get updated normally every 24hours.

Has someone help for that issue?

I put this in the config (addional to the ble monitor integration) - but didn’t change the battery problem:

- platform: miflora
    mac: "C4:7C:8D:6D:CF:2F"
    name: floramin_2
    force_update: true
    scan_interval: 1800 
      - battery

The battery sensor in the big ones is not very useful. Mine also says 100% all the time and then suddenly they need charging.
But they will actually start blinking every 10-20 seconds or so when they need charging, which is how I discover when they do.

Thanks for the infomration! I could have skipped my trial and error the last 2-3 hours… :slight_smile:

My sensor are spread in the garden, I don’t really see them… Do you know if there is any possiblity to get the information, when they need to be recharged except this blinking?

I don’t. But it shouldn’t be too difficult to write an automation / template sensor solution that checks when the other sensors flatline or go unavailable.

Hi Sand, thank you, I’ll do that, that’s a very good idea!

can these be used with the new bluetooth integration?

well… the answer is YES! it works out of the box with 2022.9 native bluetooth integration.

Does anyone knows if there is a battery level reading ? i see that ESPhome can

Any solution here? I’m also not seeing the batteries

Maybe this is related? Xiaomi_ble reports battery status as unavailable · Issue #82168 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

nothing, still broken