VegTrug Grow Care Garden (MiFlora like sensor)

So I got a couple of the VegTrug Grow Care Garden sensors: Link

They are a bit bigger than the Mi Flora sensors and seem to work almost exactly like them. Except they are a bit slow to react and that I have to poll twice to get the light intensity measurement.

I have modified the miflora as described here: here and it does work, however after a couple of hours sensors are no longer updated. So my fix is obviously not optimal.

Hope someone else can chip in.

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Hi, this solution. worked for me on my VegTrug sensor.
It came straight into the home assistant when I added the sensor:

  • platform: mitemp_bt
    in config.yaml.

You must use hacs or you install manually

Xiaomi passive BLE monitor sensor platform



Is it a VegTrug Grow Care Garden you have?

It doesnā€™t find the Grow Care Garden. But I didnā€™t know about this repo so thank you for suggesting it!
Iā€™ve been trying out a bit today and it seems like the best solution Iā€™ve tried so far. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll see if I can make it find the ā€˜Garden.

It works:

Well this works like a charm. Thanks again @Petter_Aarak !
Can I send you some ESP32 boards, because I donā€™t need them now :sweat_smile:

Iā€™m serious. Let me know if you want a couple.

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Hi so good you made it work, A little late reply but I have the same VegTrug as you.

Definitely you will need ESP32 for other future projects :slight_smile:

Credits and a big thanks should be given to @tsymbaliuk and @Magalex. The main python code for this component was originally developed by @tsymbaliuk and later modified by @Magalex.


Just a small tip. I use grafana and influxdb?
if you donā€™t already know :slight_smile:

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Hi Smart Gardeners :slight_smile:

after some back and for I finally managed to get all my VegTrug sensors in to Hassio.
The problem I have now is to identify, which entity actually belongs to what sensor (itĀ“s a little tricky as I have 16 sensors x 4 entities / sensor). Unfortunately the ā€œfriendlyā€ name shown for the entity is sth. like this: mi l_C47C8D6B6957.

Within the corresponding Mobile App, I renamed all sensors to give them numbers but I canĀ“t find any way to extract that label from the entity information. I also wonder if there is any way to get in the sensor device as whole into HASSIO and not only the different entities (I used HACS to install the component).

Somebody help please :roll_eyes:

No other way than trying to match the sensor values, or add/remove/relocate them/take out the battery etc. one by one and check the result in HA or use btmon or some other indicator.

I am pretty sure the app displayed the mac address in a much older version.

No easy way to send notifications? Really?

Hi again folks,

so after doing some detective like investigations to find out, which entity actually belongs to what sensor, I was looking for an easy way to send notifications to my iOS device.
Use case is quit straight forward: Once an entitiesā€™ value (i.e. humidity) drops below a certain threshold, IĀ“d like to receive a warning notification (can be SMS, E-Mail, Push notification, message in a bottleā€¦).

I actually thought this to be quite a common use case so there should be an easy way to achieve it. However, when looking for suitable notifier services and how to set them up, it became more and more complicated. So the question is: Anybody has a tipp how a Noop like me can get this up and running?

If you have iOS then get the companion app and then in HA you can just call the service notify.Ron_Blns_iphone with a message and it will pop up on your phone.

Your Lovelace dashboard looks good! Can you share how you did it?

I already have Grafana integrated, but af of now I can only add graphs using the webpage card pointing to the embed graph location which doesnā€™t look as good as this at all, because of the column restrictions. You seem to have the graphs across the entire width of your screen. :heart_eyes:

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If all your sensors are active and you can read the values. You could place one under a lamp, or with the forks in some water.
The readings should clearly spike on one of the sensors, making it easy to identify.

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Yes this is exactly what I do too @Oliver_Skivdal.
It is worth noting here that when you only use the miflora integration to read the battery level you might also want to add
scan_interval: 86400
to your miflora config, since the miflora python library only reads the battery sensor once every 24 hours. (so maybe even slightly more than 86400).
Refer to: basnijholt/miflora

Now, almost one year later, balcony season is back again and so are the new challenges :smiley:

Currently I have two Home Assistant instances: One running on a Pi3 and another on a Home Assistant Blue. I would like to use the Pi instance to receive the data from the plant sensors and store it so that I can access it with my second HA instance to analyze it. I think this could be done somehow with MQTT, which I unfortunatelly have no clue about.

The sensor data (entities) are already in the system by using the ā€œPassive BLE Monitorā€ integration from HACS. Does anyone know a simple way how to get the sensor data now into the MQTT broker on one side and out again on the other side?

@Ron_Bln I use Remote Home-Assistant for this exact purpose.

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This is by far the most easiest and beautiful solution that I could think of! Thanks so much @Sand, that will open up lotĀ“s of other opportunities in the future as well :slight_smile:

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So, I have some VegTrug sensors on their way. So am I right in understanding that they use the MiFlora integration, which in turn provides access to a database of the optimal light/water range for a wide database of plants?

@Synappz at least HA wonā€™t know the difference for reading the sensors. I am not sure which database you refer to though.