Vela - LED Strip Audio Visualizer/Bias Light for Sonoff/ESP8266

I had some strip lighting used primarily for standard lighting, using Tasmota firmware on Wemos D1 Minis and addressable LED strips.
I started looking into adding additional effects to Tasmota for fun and I ended up merging it with Scott Lawson and Matthew Bowley’s work for an audio visualizer. From there I added MQTT support, as well as TV/Monitor bias lighting/Ambilight style effects and a few other things. It’s all accessible and can be automated in HASS via MQTT and includes a bunch of widgets for controlling everything (although I haven’t taken the plunge to creating a custom component).

It’s my first time looking at python and I pretty much just did this for my own entertainment. That said, I thought perhaps others would get some use out of it, so I put it up on GitHub.

It’s worth noting the Ambilight functionality is all brute force in python and focused on Windows. It’s not going to rival dedicated setups for that in regards to performance, so don’t expect anything too fancy.

Hope it meets someone else’s needs - have fun!


Hey OP!

Looks amazing, but pretty embarrassingly, I don’t understand how to set it up :((

do I edit files from your github in the sonoff folder to work on a wemos d1 mini ?

just upload that to the board?

Whats the sonoff console ?

Soz this is all probably pretty obvious to you but I havent used sonoff tasmota for anything other than on/off relay before…

also is there a way to create a shortcut that opens the program rather than typing several things into a python command line…?

Sorry for the stupid questions !

Not at all!
The documentation there isn’t super clear. I’ll take a pass on it tonight and hopefully make it better.

In the meantime -

The repo there can be uploaded just like you would from base Tasmota. I use platformio to do this, as recommended by Tasmota as well. You can use the normal arduino IDE, but you may have to make some manual tweaks, like setting the clockspeed to 160mhz. I use mine on Wemos D1 Minis, so it should just work if you pick that as your board.

The sonoff console is available from the webserver if you go to the ip address of your wemos. You can also send the same commands over MQTT or just use the HASS buttons to do the same stuff. For setting up the fxdevice name, that can be done from the user_config prior to flashing, but can also be changed by that command.

To create a link to just launch it, you can create a shortcut to the Anaconda Command Prompt and add this to it :

&& activate visualizer && python [PATH TO WHERE YOU INSTALLED]\visualizer\python\

So the shortcut itself will look something like :

%windir%\System32\cmd.exe “/K” C:\Users\scottd\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\Users\scottd\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3 && activate visualizer && python F:\Vela\visualizer\python\