I may not have explained it as clearly as I could have – I have things working much better now. I have things pretty well automated with all the features that @k-d was wanting.
The key was to have a solid feedback control so you know the HRV reached the state you are asking for. Ironically, I already had the Venmar smart controller that was described above. I finally got a chance to sit down and take a picture so you could see it for yourself. I have a ton of ESP8266s around the house, but in this case, since the addition of the Bluetooth proxies, I have amazing performance with the Switchbot, and ask you all highlighted, i still want my finger to be able to reach up and manually command the HRV.
Figure 1: My setup, (there is an extension cord that happens to hide the Power Meter that the HRV is plugged into).
The problem that I solved is the feedback system to know the state that the HRV is in. (ie., did my command achieve the desired effect. Well, I achieved that by attaching a powermeter as the power source for the HRV. So I can see the power drawn by the HRV, and can use the power level to map to commanded state.
For example,
3 W (+/- 1 W) = Off,
25 W = Min
51 W = Med
78 W = Max
So, as you can imagine, this was a classic use of a state machine, because the switchbot has to reach the desired command by cycling through the various states by pressing buttons to move in one direction through the statemachine. For a while, I thought about adding two more additional switchbots to command TURBO and AUTO, but because I already have the system designed in HA to feedback on both interior Particulate Matter and CO2, rarely does the system ever need to get to Max. As people come and go, the system brings the CO2 down, and goes from Max, to Med, and to Min, etc. (the only problem, is that going DOWN requires half a dozen button pushes, but because there is a built in dwell timer in the Venmar control, it doesn’t mistake the intermediate states as actual commands). The good news, is that when there is a sudden source of pollution, the system reacts going from Low to Med to High because it only takes one or two switch bot “clicks”. I also have this integrated into my Ecobee, so I can also push one the circulating fan to also filter the air through our very effective American Standard filter.
Also - get this, as I’ve owned this thing for nearly a year with this arrangement, I’ve been able to detect when my filters are getting plugged. I’ve only done this by visually checking how much the power in a given state has creeped up → but I can see making that more robust a future project. (I also started hand making HEPA filters because the MERV filters from Venmar are a ripoff where I live. I was able to build a bunch from one 3M filter.
Anyway, I’m really happy with this, so I’ve started to tear up my Node Red code, and use some new state machine blocks I found throughout the community.
In closing, I think within another year we can have a really robust integration of these Venmar HRVs despite the company being unsupportive.
Figure 2: One of my summary dashboards showing the Air quality control system.
The SCD30 is in the basement sauna, the Portable CO2 is a box I made to take to various locations that is on our top floor. The system controls off the Average (light blue).