I have an Explorer Mini with wifi sensors for supply and return temperatures. I want to make a template sensor for ΔT across the air handler, and to do that I need the temperatures from each sensor.
Looking at my thermostat device, I just see “Sensor Battery” and “Sensor Temperature”.
I have confirmed the thermostat reports both values:
{"name":"Space Temp","temp":77,
Looking at the Venstar integration code, it appears this is expected: sensors are being accessed by name, and the underlying VenstarColorTouch.getSensor() function will only ever return the first instance of a given sensor name.
Before going further down a Python rabbit hole, I have to ask a basic question: how in the world do you name a sensor? I found at least one other user that has multiple sensors with distinct names, but I’m completely stumped. I can pair and delete sensors using the SkyConnect web site and iPhone app, but I can’t find any way to edit them.
On the next-level screen, the only element that responds to short or long touch is “Delete Sensor”
(second screen cap removed due to new-user media restrictions)
I feel like I’m missing something important, but I just can’t put my finger on it.
(Incidentally: I also find it concerning that my sensor response json doesn’t include sensor IDs, but since Venstar only officially supports one supply and one return sensor per thermostat that’s at least workaroundable for this particular issue)