Venstar Model T7900 and humidity setup

Greetings all.

I have a T7900 installed and operating along with the integration in HA for several months now. There has been only one thing that I have not been able to get working to my satisfaction and that is the humidity controls and indicators. I would like to be able to display the controls and SP for humidity similar to temp and display on the top level of 'stat card. Show actual and SP with linear slider or arrows.

The integration does work but I see no way to make either the Hum setpoint or actual visible on the card. It is necessary to click show more. Then you have up and down arrows for the temperature setpoint and a slider for humidity. A bit odd but secondary. I also tried the humidifier card but that card cant find the sensor.main_thermostat_humidity or any other related aspect of the 'stat. The sensor.main_thermostat_humidity of course will work in a sensor card but of course doesn’t show SP or allow changing it so using that card ends up adding confusion.

At the moment I am out of my depth and can’t make enough sense in the time available to me to learn how to do my own custom card to address this. It may also be that I am missing something obvious that I need to do to make this work.

My intent is to let the 'stat manage humidity. This way, HA can crash and little changes. The 'stat is set to enable output to run humidifier if fan is running and humidity is low. HA can watch the humidity and if low for too long set air handler fan to run continuous via 'stat or whatever I can figure makes most sense. The 'stat may even have that capability built in. I cant remember. At any rate you have the sense of it now.

Should I be asking for a new feature or is this a bug in HA or me? If someone would point me in the right direction I would be very grateful.

Thanks for your time.