Ventilation Systems ComfoAir CA350/CA500 Control for HASS (Zehnder, Storkair etc.)

Hello. I have comfo 350 luxe and have had problems with
my CC Ease Controller (12V), which turns on and off every 60 seconds. Impossible to use and it shows the same numbers.
no controlling functions.
Can You recommend how to replace it or fix it. It is impossible to get it in Norway.
I use it for Zehnder Comfoair 350

Will new Comfosense C work with my Comfoair 350. thanks in advance

Hello. I have comfo 350 luxe and have had problems with
my CC Ease Controller (12V), which turns on and off every 60 seconds. Impossible to use and it shows the same numbers.
no controlling functions.
Can You recommend how to replace it or fix it. It is impossible to get it in Norway.
I use it for Zehnder Comfoair 350

Will new Comfosense C work with my Comfoair 350. thanks in advance

There are two versions of the ComfoSense controller ā€œZehnder ComfoSense Cā€ and ā€œZehnder ComfoSenseā€. You have to install the second one, without the ā€œCā€. It has replaced the CC Ease Controller controller a few years ago but is fully compatible.

Just one comment. Price of this device is so high (~200 EUR) that you could set up Home Assistant on a RPi and some tablet that you would install in place of the Zehnder controller :slight_smile: With a bit of wiring you could control the ventilation from HA.

Does anyone know if itā€™s possible and how to change precision level (to show decimals) in wichersā€™s script? I am getting no decimals while some of you show screens with more precise readings

Did you manage to set the fan speeds using this interface?

Hi. No unfortunately I didnā€™t manage to set the fan speed via the RS485 interface. Tried some stuff, but unsuccessful until now. Hints welcome :grin:.

Hi mr wichers,

I am trying to use your comfoair integration i grabbed from github, i flashed esphome and installed the Lovelace Comfoair card in homeassistant.

But i keep on getting a empty card.

What am i doing wrong?

Grtz, edwin.

I have the same problem. Iā€™m searching for " current_temperature" but canā€™t find it. Where to change it ?

HI, itā€™s been a while, COVID and some health related problems prevented me to attend the forum.

I wrote in the meantime some code to read from the server and export the data to mqtt, but Iā€™m not a great fan of it. As I have installed Homeassistant and there is no mode to pilot the serial port based ventilation system, Iā€™m going to have a look at writing an HA module, but not having any expertise in the HA engine, it will probably take some time to develop.

I see you are using 3 boards. An ESP board, a max2323 rs323 to TTL? And what is the other one? I would like to make this myself, I have the same whr950 ventilation box.