Venv, poll a sensor, zwave

I use UI (Z-Wave Node Management) to poll a greenwave_powernode_1_port, exactly: sensor.greenwave_powernode_1_port_energy . No matter what “Polling intensity” I choose ( 2, 10 or 250) the maximum polling delta is round about 2 minutes.
Another explanation is given here: Z-Wave Polling Question Answered . Explanation looks good but what do I need the config_path: /usr/local/share/python-openzwave/config for? (for me it’s another path, because I use venv)
What do I have to do if I want to poll the sensor e.g. every 10 minutes?


Does the device not send updates when the energy use changes?

It sends only power updates (W) , not energy (kWh). It sends an update of energy after a restart of homeassistant … (homeassistant polls the nodes).