I’m running hassio 0.114.3. I added a new switch to my Vera to replace one that failed. The new switch has an id of 166. I want this switch to show up as a light, not a switch. My Vera configuration is now done via the configuration UI and there are no entries for it in configuration.yaml. I opened the Configuration -> Integrations and on the Vera item, I clicked on "Options". In there I added 166 to the list of ids in the section "Vera switch device ids to treat as lights in Home Assistant." I clicked on Submit and it said the options were saved successfully. If I go back to the options again, I see 166 there on the end. However, once I restart HA, the 166 has disappeared from the list of ids and it still shows up as a switch. Am I doing something wrong, or is something broken? I’ve also tried putting the 166 in the middle of the list somewhere, but the same thing happens.
And BTW, where does it store the options for an integration? I’ve looked in all the configuration files in the /config/.storage folder and I don’t see them.
New here… I’m having this issue as well. I only have one Vera device (6) and I try to add my second (8)… I couldn’t find anything specific as to if we are supposed to use spaces or commas or both. Don’t know if you tried differing ways of entering it.
–Edit – Sorry – forgot to mention I’m running Supervisor 2020.11.0, HassOS 4.16 and a VeraPlus controller using Firmware 1.7.5186
–Edit Edit-- Jeeze… Home Assistant version 0.117.6…
This may help. I don’t remember setting my vera up manually using YAML in the /config/configuration.yaml file… Maybe I did… I’m not sure… But I did notice that in my configuration there was:
# Vera Controller
lights: [6]
So I added a comma and an 8 there to make it:
# Vera Controller
lights: [6,8]
And that seems to have worked… It did leave the previous entity - so I’m not sure how that will play out yet… But I just wanted to let you know I did find something…