Verify Modbus switch using virtual binary sensor

I have a modbus board of relays that can be written using a write coil per relay address, but to read the state I need to do a read coils to get back the status of all the relays in a single byte.

I can create a set of separate binary sensors using the virtual_count option. But I’m curious, is there a way to use those virtual binary sensors as the verify for the corresponding switch?

So with a configuration with something like…

    - name: read_relay
      device_address: 255
      address: 0
      virtual_count: 7
    - name: write_relay_1
      device_address: 255
      address: 0
      write_type: coil
      verify: ...read_relay...
    - name: write_relay_2
      device_address: 255
      address: 1
      write_type: coil
      verify: ...read_relay_1...

…is there a way to have the verify option use one of the resultant read_relay sensors to verify the switch status?
