Verify understanding of Automations


I’ve set up an Automation where any of the smoke detectors should trigger a siren (by turning on a switch).

Can anybody please confirm the trigger will work as if any of the devices state changes to ‘on’, the action will be performed ?

- platform: state
  entity_id: binary_sensor.nest_protect_dusj_smoke_status
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'

- platform: state
  entity_id: binary_sensor.nest_protect_kjokken_smoke_status
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'

- platform: state
  entity_id: binary_sensor.nest_protect_lille_anneks_smoke_status
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'

- service: switch.turn_on..... etc etc

In the automation editor, you can click on the three dot (meatball) menu next to any step of the automation to run that step. You can click on

What smoke detector are you using? (I want mine to be on Home Assistant, too).

Yes. Triggers are OR logic.

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Yes. From the docs:

When any of the automation’s triggers becomes true (trigger fires ), Home Assistant will validate the conditions, if any, and call the action.

Edit: ninja’d by Tom

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I use Nest Protect. Have a canned smoke, planning to do a test this weekend. They should have their own Mesh also, so if one trigger, they all should trigger. But seen there has been issues but there is a fix.

Look here: Alarms not sounding on all Nest Protects - Google Nest Community

Canned smoke may not be smoke to the detectors. Fry some bacon- it works here every time.

Hehe… This is made for this purpose.