Verisure lock status

I have connect my Verisure lock to HA. And it is working fine. But when I unlock the door in the verisure app, it take 2-3 minutes to update the lock switch in HA.

Anyone who knows why and can it be updated realtime?



It takes quite some time before the status is uppdated when the lock is locked, and the status is polled only once a minute. Right now I don’t think there is a good solution to this.

I would like to disarm my alarm when the door is unlock. But with that delay, the alarm would go off before the lock status is updated :frowning:

But thanks for your answer.


Yes, sadly I don’t think that’s possible

Hej Per
Jag Ă€r vĂ€ldigt ny anvĂ€ndare av HA och försöker bara fĂ„ min HA att prata med mina Verisure smartplugs. Du verkar ha koll sĂ„ jag undrar bara om det Ă€r nĂ„got speciellt trick för att fĂ„ det att funka? Det jag gjort Ă€r att lĂ€gga till verisure in min config-fil enligt de instruktioner som jag hittat pĂ„ HA getting started sidan (enda Ă€ndringen jag gjort i original config-filen). NĂ„gon skrev i detta forum att HA pekar till fel Verisure mypage sida. Är det det som Ă€r problemet?
Vore super om du tog dig tid att svara.

Fungerar andra komponenter, alarm osv?
Det Àr rÀtt mypage sida om du har nordisk Verisure, vilket jag antar att du har. Om du har flera hus, tex sommarstuga kan du behöva sÀtta giid variabeln i konfigurationen.

SupersnÀllt att du tog dig tid att svara! Har bara ett hus och nordisk Verisure.
Har bara lagt in smartplugs till att börja med (inga larm eller annat). TÀnkte gÄ varsamt fram eftersom jag Àr en rookie i dessa sammanhang. Har vÀl inte sÄ mycket mer info att ge. Har som sagt bara lagt till följande till configurationsfilen som skapas nÀr man kört igÄng HA första gÄngen.


username: min mail till mypages verisure (som Àr mitt username)
password: mitt password för mypages verisure
smartplugs: 1

NÀr jag kör test av configurationsfilen i telefonappen sÄ sÀger den att den Àr ok. FÄr dock ett meddelande (Àven det i appen) att det Àr nÄgot problem med Verisure-funktionen.

Mina SONOS funkar bra med HA. Dom fanns ju redan i config-filen och dök upp snÀllt frÄn början. Fungerar utmÀrkt i telefonappen.
Men inga Verisure smartplugs syns i appen.

FÄr du nÄgot i loggen?

Bra frÄga. Sitter pÄ jobbet nu sÄ jag kan inte kolla loggen. Gör det nÀr jag kommer hem. Borde jag se orsaken till problemet dÀr?
Ska försöka undvika att terra dig med en massa frÄgor om detta. Man blir bara sÄ frustrerad nÀr det ser enkelt ut och det sedan inte funkar.
Mitt mÄl Àr att styra mina Verisure smartplugs med Alexa genom HA. Har inte hittat nÄgon annan vÀg att styra mina Verisure smartplugs med Alexa. (har ingen lust att byta ut mina Verisure smartplugs dÄ de Àr ganska dyra)

HÀr kommer en liten updatering. Lyckades fÄ det att funka till slut. Vet inte riktigt vad var som var grejen men efter nÄgon omstart och updatering till senaste HA sÄ funkade det att fÄ kontakt med mina smartplugs. Gjorde allt frÄn datorn denna gÄng vilket kanske Àr bÀttre Àn att köra vi telefonappen. Ett litet bekymmer Àr bara att det verkar lite instabilt. Ganska ofta fÄr jag svarat att systemet inte svarar (eller som Alexa sÀger: The device is not responding). Samma sak nÀr man försöker slÄ pÄ och av smartplugsen frÄn HA appen. Svara typ varannan gÄng. Vet du vad som Àr flakhalsen nÀr detta hÀnder? Vad Àr det som gör att HA inte fÄr kontakt med smartplugsen ibland? Kör min Rasberry Pi med kabel och inte via Wifi.

Just installed Yale Doorman and connected to Verisure shows in Home Assist the status of the lock.
Controlling the lock works perfect.

But I can’t see if it’s possible in Home Assist to see if the lock is in “away setting”?
In the Verisure app there is a difference on locked and “away locket” that would be great for controlling different items.

I also recently bought a Yale doorman. I don’t have the alarm from Verisure, only the lock. I was a bit disappointed that I can’t see which code or tag opened the door. The information is available in the Verisure app and you can see who did things with the alarm, if you have it. So I’m thinking it should be possible to add that you can see who unlocked, right?

I looked at the code for the lock now, and as far as I can see it should have a “changed_by” attribute, but at least mine hasn’t. The alarm control panel does have the attribute but since I don’t have the alarm

Has anyone managed to speed up the communication between the verisure hub and HA. I get it instant when communicating between HA and Verisure but it takes too long time to recognize the status when unlocking by the key pad.

I guess you’re way beyond this now since I saw what you made in "Changed by" on Verisure lock with auto lock. Great stuff!

However, there is a “changed_by” attribute, I use it for a template sensor as

    value_template: >
      {{ states.lock.entre.attributes.changed_by }}

I used an input_select and automations to keep state of which code/person unlocked last, I then removed the verisure auto lock and made a couple of automations instead, for instance

  - alias: Lock day
      platform: state
      entity_id: lock.entre
      to: 'unlocked'
        minutes: 4
      condition: time
      after: '07:30:00'
      before: '23:00:00'
      - service: lock.lock
          entity_id: lock.entre
      - service: tts.google_say
          entity_id: group.media_player_announcements
          message: Nu Àr det lÄst! {{states.sensor.last_changed.state}}

and a bunch of other stuff like personalised greetings when you arrive and such. Works great as well.


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Thanks! I want the lock to work totally independent of Home assistant since it’s such an important security feature, otherwise I would have gone your route with removing the auto lock. But with my “mail hack” it’s working fine now! It’s not instant, but neither is the real lock status, so that’s alright.

That’s the problem with HASS, it actually works almost a bit too well, I don’t even remember last time it stopped
 But, it will, probably in that short period before it locked and I went on a 4 week vacation

Yeah, I will try your setup.

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I am trying to automatically disarm my Verisure alarm in the morning. However I do not get it to work.

My automation is:

  • alias: StĂ€ng av nattlarm
    platform: time
    at: 06:30
    condition: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.XXXX_alarm
    state: armed_home
    • service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.XXXX_alarm
    • service: persistent_notification.create
      message: “Jag har försökt larma av”
      title: “Larmtest”

I do get the notification, but the alarm is not turned off.

The error message is:
2018-09-05 06:30:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 224, in _handle_service_platform_call
await getattr(entity, func)(**data)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/”, line 56, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/alarm_control_panel/”, line 87, in alarm_disarm
set_arm_state(‘DISARMED’, code)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/alarm_control_panel/”, line 31, in set_arm_state
transaction_id = hub.session.set_arm_state(code, state)[
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/verisure/”, line 172, in set_arm_state
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/verisure/”, line 15, in _validate_response
raise ResponseError(response.status_code, response.text)
verisure.session.ResponseError: Invalid response, status code: 400 - Data: {“errorGroup”:“BAD_REQUEST”,“errorCode”:“VAL_00008”,“errorMessage”:“Invalid or non-existing value for code”}

Can anybody see what I have done wrong?

Det gÄr utmÀrkt att svara pÄ svenska.

I’m answering in english, since it may be beneficial to non-swedish speakers to learn the answer.
The reason why it’s not working is, as stated in the error message, that you are not supplying the code to the alarm system in your automation.