Has 0.54.0 been released for HASS.IO or is there a delay in its release for some reason ?
From the hass.io page
Hass.io users can update Home Assistant via the ‘Hass.io’ page in the UI. However please note that Home Assistant updates take time to roll into the Hass.io builds. Therefore there is often a slight delay between the availability of a Home Assistant update and an update being available in Hass.io, be patient. When a Hass.io update is available it will be shown as available on the ‘Hass.io’ page in your UI.
0.54.0 is available for hass.io 1 max 2 days after the initial release. I’m running it since last Monday I believe.
Really…I have version 0.53.1 with the update alert enabled for HASS.IO but I have had no sign of the update shown yet…I normally get the notification as you say a day or two after the main release. Strange !!
Maybe a restart of the Host OS will work.
OK I tried a restart of the Host OS still no update and now the host OS panel is reporting this
Host OS
Hostname unknown
Type unknown
OS unknown
Host Control version unknown
Latest available version unknown
Very strange. Running on a pi? It’s it connected to the internet?
Yes running on a pi 3. Internet enabled and otherwise working fine
Even more strange I rolled back a snapshot to version 0.52.1 and now it says that version 0.53.1 is available. So I guess that part is working and they have taken down 0.54.0.
I still have no idea what is causing the OS Panel to report
Host OS
Hostname unknown
Type unknown
OS unknown
Host Control version unknown
Latest available version unknown
Sounds like something is messed up with the Supervisor. I would do a snapshot right now just in case and backup your data. Might be worth it to do a restore.
I’ve been on 0.54 since last Saturday on Hass.io with no problems.
So I have done a restore to a previous version. I agree I think something is messed up with the Host OS but not really sure how to progress from this point. If I try SSH and reboot the OS I get API failure
OK getting a little frustrated now…I have now tried to download a fresh copy of HASS:IO and reinstall 0.54.0. I have used etcher to place the image on the card as I have countless times before…installed the card into the PI 3 and now just get the message
Preparing Hass.io
(this can take up to 20 minutes)
This has been the case for many hours now. So can somebody please confirm that this image is not corrupt or there is a problem just with a raspberry pi 3 install. I have downloaded the file multiple times with different computers and used different memory cards before anybody suggests an issue there…
I am running .54 hass.io on a rpi3,. Before I could upgrade the home assistant software, there was a host level upgrade that I performed through the front end. After that was complete, hass.io came up with an upgrade notification for 0.54.
That’s very interesting. I did notice there was an update to the Host OS. However I opted for a restart of the Host OS first and now all I have is the following screen and the buttons to restart or update have gone.
Host OS
Hostname unknown
Type unknown
OS unknown
Host Control version unknown
Latest available version unknown
Hmmm that is odd, maybe a home assistant restart will bring it all back up. Sounds like it isn’t fully loaded.
Tried that…I have also done a fresh install of HASS:IO and that doesn’t go past the “this could take up to 20 minutes” message…Somethings FUBAR’d.
If I SSH into Hassio.local and type hassio host restart it ponders for about a minute and returns API error: