Does anyone know if of a way to adjust how often the Version integration checks for updates?
I’m seeing lots of traffic polling the docker registry, polling 4 times… waits 5 minutes, then polls 4 times again then repeats.
I’m really not interested in checking every 5 minutes, so is there a way to limit this to maybe once a day?
You’re welcome to ask (that’s the purpose of a Feature Request) but you should know I am not the Version integration’s author (nor a python software developer). I just wanted to confirm your observation about the polling interval (and that it’s not currently adjustable anywhere except in the source code).
Thank you @123 , as a temporary workaround, i’m patching this file to modify the interval. Hopefully a more elegant solution will be implemented at some point.
My temporary solution is to modify /usr/lib/python3.9/site/packages/homeasistant/components/version/
Find the line that reads minutes=5 and change that 5 to your desired interval in minutes
If you’re running this in docker, you can easily patch this file on startup.