just moved to use with ui-lovelace.yaml configuration instead of directly changing the UI, and there is a strange issue - those stacks seems to be ignored no matter what i do:
the last history graph is displayed to the right and not at the bottom, and even if i change the vertical to horizontal, the view looks exactly the same - so for some reason the stack is ignored.
finally got it to work by adding another separataed vertical-stack for the history-graph elements, but i don’t understand - why this separation is needed?
why this is happening? i need the horizontal stack to be BELOW the entities - so what am i missing here?
(maykar (pronounced "maker" with a southern accent))
using your first post for this example:
views: # all views listed under this
- title: Boiler # title of the first view
cards: # all cards for the Boiler view here
- type: vertical-stack # vertical stack is a card that "holds" cards
cards: # all cards to be in vertical stack under here
- type: entities
- input_number.boiler_timer_set
- switch.boiler_power
- type: history-graph
hours_to_show: 24
refresh_interval: 300
title: Usage (Day)
- switch.boiler_power
- type: history-graph
hours_to_show: 168
refresh_interval: 3600
title: Usage (Week)
- switch.boiler_power
Thanks for the reply mayker, but i missed your point - these comments i already know but i don’t understand why it behaves differently than the way it should. in this example the last horizontal-graph is displayed to the RIGHT and not the BOTTOM as it should be.
You’re entering the first vertical-stack in the view config and so it’s ignored, because there is no option in views.
Enter it under ‘cards’ and it works as expected.
(maykar (pronounced "maker" with a southern accent))