Very confused on how to read events and configure Aeon Labs Minimote

I am still newish to Home Assistant. I migrated over a Aeon Labs Minimote to Home Assistant. I read that I need to listen to Events to see what each button is doing. I went to Developer Tools/Events and put in zwave_js_event and start listening. Now what? I read through tons of help posts and documentation, where you you actually see whats happening when you press a button on the remote? Is it supposed to pop up? What if nothing is happening, even pressing different switches on my other devices paired. I tried * for logs and some show but not for this remote.

This post doesnt help me. Aeon Labs Minimote with zwave js?

I added that other Addon, it isnt able to connect to my Zwave Controller because its already in use. So very confused.

Im sad nobody replied but I was able to eventually get it working.