Thought i would share this. It took all of 5 mins to get up and running.
Problem - I need to know the level of my oil tank for our Aga, and i need a gauge and a trigger to email me / my oil provider for a refill
Solution hardware
Shelly UNI for wifi ADC sensor
Oil proof pressure sensor (you want the 0-10 v version, not the 4/20ma version:
Reused an old LED driver as a super cheap 24v power supply
Waterproof box.
Setup is simple,
1)use the led driver (Constant voltage) to provide DC power. Give the UNI 24v on the input, use the same input V to power the sensor.
2) Use the voltage sensor line, and connect it to the 3rd wire on the uni.
Connect the shelly to the wireless network.
Add to UNI to home assistant. And use the ADC sensor.
0v for me = empty, and about 2.5v = tank full.
Create Gauge for dashboard, create automation to notify and email when 1/5 full.
I think thats about the simplest depth sensor you can build. Total cost £50.