Hassio, Home Assistant 0.100 or whatever it is called. Running on Rpi3b
I am getting over 4000 errors a day like this (this one was line 10841 after 2 days):
2019-10-04 09:34:02 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [pyvesync.helpers] HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘smartapi.vesync.com’, port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=5)
*the ((SyncWorker_#) ranges from 1 to 19, I have 4 plugs
I also get this error, wondering if it is the relevant one:
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error importing platform config_flow from integration vesync to set up vesync config entry: No module named 'custom_components.vesync.config_flow
I also have inconsistent states reported with my vesync plugs/switches, I can almost always control them but the status rarely changes/matches actual state.
I have changed my configuration from Switches: vesync to
I tried fixing with the custom component option here:
*tried because the first step is “pip install pyvesync” which I get an error (-bash:sudo: command not found), I looked up how to fix this and there are very few responses to people trying to work around this error.
Not sure if the previous step was even needed (I think it is) because there is also an “Integration with Home Assistant” section, so I added the listed files to custom_components.
This did not change my error messages or states problems.
It did change my Integration section from having “Vesync” as an integration to “My email address” as an integration. My switches are listed and are correct, oddly the heading says “Entities without devices”.
I can live with the status problems if need be, was hoping to get a few more vesync switches but won’t if this is the case.
Are these errors filling up Home-assistant log this much going to be a problem other than I can’t find other errors?
Sorry to be so long but I don’t know enough to know what is relevant or I would probably know how to fix it!