Vesync : retrieving devices

I seem that I have tried most of the info indicated on the vesync integration. Adding a custom wesync. Updating the config.yaml to add sensor.
What I am trying to do is try to retrieve the energy data funneled by a smart plug on PV pannels. Basically move what I get on the Androïd app to Homme assistant. Trying here as last resort. Thks.

Nowhere in the documentation does it say that YAML is required for energy sensors and I am not sure what “adding a cusom wesync” means.

Add your devices to the official app. Then follow the configuration instructions here: VeSync - Home Assistant

Thing is that I am able to add a vesync integrator but it does not show any device that is why when getting lost thru the forum I found a post indicating that a custom vesync was required for some sensors. The TUYAs and google cast are working but none of the vesync. Thks for following up.

Are they listed as supported devices in the documentation?

I do not seem to have seen my reference under the vesinc chapter.