Hi all, first time poster here. I hate to ask this question right off the bat, but I must be going blind as I cannot seem to find the .vhdx image anywhere. There’s VirtualBox, VMware, KVM but nothing for Hyper-V? I’ve just spent the last hour or so that I wanted to spend configuring and playing with HA looking for this image that I see referenced but can’t seem to actually find.
So I ended up downloading the .vmdk and converted it following these instructions:
- Download and install: http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/1/E/91E9F42C-3F1F-4AD9-92B7-8DD65DA3B0C2/mvmc_setup.msi
- Open Powershell as administrator and run
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter\MvmcCmdlet.psd1'
- Run
ConvertTo-MvmcVirtualHardDisk -SourceLiteralPath d:\scratch\vmx\VM-disk1.vmdk -VhdType DynamicHardDisk -VhdFormat vhdx -destination c:\vm-disk1
(Obviously change the paths and filenames as necessary)
Created the VM the same way I would any Linux VM in Hyper-V and I’m up and running. Btw, there are some good instructions posted by Aves if you search for “Hass.io On Hyper-V - Step By Step” on this forum if you’re not sure how to install on Hyper-V.
I would link both the above mentioned post and the link to the conversion instructions but my account is too new and thus restricted from posting too many links.
Hi Mark,
I followed your steps to convert the VM disk to a Hyper-V disk and all looked to go well with that stage, thanks for those instructions.
I created a VM in the usual way as before, pointed it to the new disk and started it up and all looked good at the console, ending in the home assistant login prompt.
The issue i am having now is that whenever i browse to the ip:8123 i get connection refused.
Did you do anything else different / special this time round compared to when there was a VHDX downloadable from the home assistant web page?
I have read that maybe the time is not updating so therefore it wont serve pages, but i have no idea of the login credentials to take a look.
Hi Rendili,
I did nothing special, just created a VM in Hyper-V manager, gave it one cpu and 1Gb RAM and pointed the disk at the newly converted vhdx. I then powered it on and waited till it got to the login prompt. Then I browsed to homeassistant.local:8123, created my user and logged in.
Ok, thanks Mark. Wonder what’s going wrong with my attempts then.
Anybody has any idea why we went away from vhdx/hyper-v?
I love how easy it is to install hass with the virtual imagr…Just concerned that there may be a bug or hole and shouldn’t use it…and should rather migrate to the new format (VirtualBox any better?)
Starwind do a free tool for converting virtual disks
It’s what I used to convert VMware disk to vhdx
Kind regards