Vibration measurement

Hi, I need help with ESPHome and accelerometer sensor.

I buoght an MPU6886 because I need to measure the micro-vibration on building located near a railway, to get the micro-movement when train passes behind the house.

Can that sensor is the right choice or is better an BMI160 or MPU6050?

I need help to create a code to get a seismogram from 3 axis acceleration and to do some filtering because now I have too noise (I attach the images of raw data and statistic data).


Did you try the “sensor filters”?

No, I didn’t try beacuse I need help to understand what is the best filter for my use case and best function to get a sismogram.

Sounds like you have some research to do. All you can do is go through each one, read it, try to understand it and then figure out what type of data you want to filter out and what data you want to focus on or amplify. No one can answer this for you. These are the things that your whole project is based on so, it’s kind of important that you have some kind of an end goal to work towards. If you don’t and you’re just making it up as you go, that probably won’t end well.