First of all, I love the ViCare integration quite much, good job !
Secondly I’d like to ask whether there are any plans including support for (simple) control of connected Ventilation system or so called Heat Recovery, such as VIESSMANN VITOVENT 200-W
I’d like to be able to set up automation such as when outside humidity is lower than inside and inside humidity reaches certain threshold then high rpm mode for the unit is triggered, etc.
The heat recovery system is connected to and controlled by the vitocal heat pump we have and it’s using ot2 for connection with Viessmann.
It’s visible in ViCare web/app and this should be no problem controlling it via api ?
Most important feature would be the “intensive ventilation” mode for me personally.
I also have an ventilation system connected to the VitoConnect besides the heatpump and would like to control it via HomeAssistant.
Additionally my heatpump has cooling abilities and it would be nice to see the cooling state to react to it.
Is it possible to add this functionalities to the integration?
The problem is, that the PyViCare Module (the vicare integration is based on that module) is right now not able to integrate the ventilation system. But someone already implemented it, but it has to be tested and released for the PyViCare Module. After the PyViCare Module is able to integrate the ventilation, home assistant can also develop the integration for the ventilation system.