Victron Energy VEDirect Bluetooth

Hi, yes, it will probably be possible to activate the software UART on the ESP, take a look at the ESP documentation and for inspiration on my github there is an example of how to use multiple devices on one esp

Thank you @KinDR.
One more question related to sensors. On your github repository there are almost 60 sensors mentioned to be available. At the same time it is stated that this integration works with 5 tested devices, so I am assuming that not all sensors works for any device.
I am trying to use as many sensor as available for my Victron SmartSolar MPPT 150/35 nad realised that not all listed on github are relevant to my device (for example. Max Battery Voltage, Min battery voltage are not available).
Where can I find which sensor are available for my device ?

Hi download the manual from the victron site and see what all your model supports…
the second option is to connect a UART 2 usb converter and, for example, use putty or cutecom to read what all the devices send and then find individual items in the source code …
the third option is to use everything and remove the value that is not redrawn
Or use esp home node with this Logger Component — ESPHome

OK. I have used VE.Direct documentation and some test to see which sensor are getting data - took some time… :wink:
So here is my best effort table with sensors available in Victron MPPT SmartSolar regulator:

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Also as promised I have used WTH31-ETH01 esp32 board, which connects to network with LAN cable. And it works OK. So this is also the solution to avoid WiFi but you need to have router/switch with few sockets.

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Hi @KinDR just looking over this thread again, as I have got a smart shunt installed as well now. Could you list the options for the ESPhome code to pull all the info as in the screenshot for the shunt. Cheers

@KinDR sorry found it in a previous post now :+1::+1:

@KinDR sorry back to the drawing board. Could you please share your code for the bmv. Getting errors in the yaml for lots of the available sensors. Cheers

please share log from eshome with errors eg on pastebin

Sorted it, being numb! I wasn’t using the smartshunt GitHub as I copied the code from my mppt esp :see_no_evil::man_shrugging:

I’m presently looking to see if I can get HA to connect, subscribe, and emit keepalives using the newer GATT services directly. I’ve been able to get readings out via bluetoothctl on the HA system and decode the observed payloads, really I’m just not sure where to start on a custom BLE component - I would guess we’d need to identify it by manufacturer and device type from the advertisement, and then prompt the user for the pin to connect. Then we’d need HA to handle maintaining the connection, subscribing to the notifications, and most importantly emit the keepalives so we didn’t need to reconnect. Anyone have some redirects or pointers? I see a lot of purely passive components that just snarf up advertisements, but not ones that combine all of these mechanisms.

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The link for buy me some coffee is not there. Also cant find it on your Github. You did a good job here. Even me a novice managed to get it up and running fairly easily.

Thank You

Hello, i set a new Victron Smart shunt for the second battery pack. It’s possibile to use the same esp8266 for both victron or do i need one for each smart shunt? Thank you

i’m don’t know the pinouts for esp8266; but i have a smart shunt and a mppt connected on the same esp32-board

In wich pinout of the esp32? Because if is it possible i’ll change the esp8266 in the 32.

Hi. I followed this install dok → GitHub - KinDR007/VictronMPPT-ESPHOME: Victron Mppt charger to esphome node , and after flashing the esp8266 it’s ping-able, but the esp8266 is not sending anything to my MQTT broker?

What did i wrong?

mqtt_host: “”
mqtt_username: “”
mqtt_password: “”

wifi_ssid: “my_SID”
wifi_password: “my_password”

Flashing is working!
C:\Users\thoma\VictronMPPT-ESPHOME>esphome run debug-esp8266-example.yaml

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could you share your esp code please id like to see how its been coded, i have two mppts on one esp but not sure how to add in the bmv shunt to the same code.


Hi,I have installed and it’s working correctly. I use my smartshunt as a meter for my wind turbine do you know which sensors measure this input or will I need to add others?

Did you get it working? I just set this up yesterday and I couldn’t have been happier. to ESP32. Worked like a champ so I can monitor both solar controllers now.

It looks like you and I are running similar setups . HAHA