Victron Multiplus II - Modbus Configuration - Power Consumption Calculation

I have successfully connected to my Victron MultiPlus II via Modbus and I am able to retrieve some of the values. I have perused the Excel spreadsheet with registers for Victron, but I seem unable to find / duplicate the values displayed on the VRM app / website.

I’m particularly interested in the “From Grid” and “To Grid” consumption to determine if I have a positive or negative balance for power consumption.


Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Hi @ekkesa
Did you ever get anywhere finding the ‘From Grid’ and ‘To Grid’ ??
I am trying to find the same to integrate with my Multiplus and Fronius.

Have you tried the new energy integration in HA yet? I am trying to figure out how to get all my data into that.


Sort of - I had to do some calculations and use HA utility meters to get the numbers. They are not 100% accurate, but good enough for the application I need them.

Hey thanks for the reply.

Any chance you could share your code and setup, there are a few of us that have/are struggling with this.
