Victron Temperature Input Convert to F

I’m gettting frustrated and beginning to not like YAML.
I have a configuration.yaml with sensors. They all seem to work but when I get to inputting my Victron temperature sensor it stays in C, doesn’t convert. I’ve read 10000 of articles (maybe not that many but many hours of wasted time.
I just want to understand what I’m doing wrong and I can seem to search for the right answer.

  name: Home
  latitude: xx.xxxx
  longitude: -xx.xxxx
  elevation: 678
  unit_system: imperial
  currency: USD
  country: US
  temperature_unit: F
  time_zone: "America/New_York"

# Victron
  - name: cerbo
    host: xxx.xx.x.xx.
    type: tcp
    port: 502

      - name: "Fresh Water"
        unique_id: fresh-water-20
        data_type: uint16
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        slave: 20
        address: 3004
        scale: 0.1
        device_class: humidity
      - name: "Grey Tank"
        unique_id: grey-water-25
        data_type: uint16
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        slave: 25
        address: 3004
        scale: 0.1
        device_class: humidity
      - name: "Black Tank"
        unique_id: black-water-24
        data_type: uint16
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        slave: 24
        address: 3004
        scale: 0.1
        device_class: humidity
      - name: "Hot Water Temperature"
        unique_id: hot-water-24
        data_type: int16
        unit_of_measurement: '°F'
        slave: 24
        address: 3304
        scale: 1
        device_class: temperature

Bottom temperature sensor is my issue. I want it to come in and display in F not C. Its being sent as C which I’m told the HA won’t auto change to F even though my settings are F, imperial.

I have also tried to break this off into seperate files, failed.
I have also tried to include a template, failed.
I’m frustrated and want to really like HA but this coding stuff is tiresome for me sometimes when its failure over and over.


There is a place to do that in the UI.
I did a video about it a couple years back, but I think it will still get you there.

Open the Gear for the Entity and it’s there.

Unfortunately as easy as that sounds. It doesn’t work correctly.
It changes the value but it makes it 4300 F. Celcius value was like 2317 C
So there must be something else that is all messed up with how this data is getting brought in.

I put in a sensor a different way and I get this message

Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at configuration.yaml, line 57: Hot Water: count illegal with data_type: uint16 ‘modbus->0->sensors->3’, got {‘name’: ‘Hot Water’, ‘slave’: 24, ‘address’: 3304, ‘input_type’: ‘input’, ‘count’: 1, ‘data_type’: ‘uint16’, ‘precision’: 1, ‘scale’: 0.1, ‘unit_of_measurement’: ‘V’, ‘device_class’: ‘temperature’, ‘scan_interval’: 31}

I literally give up, this is so frustrating. I can’t make 1 sensor work. How do you want this entire system work?
I tried to split this into different files, sensor.yaml - error on how I can’t use blah blah
wrong this and that everything
WHERE IS the example files to start these, what version do I use to yaml on the modbus, really it can’t be this hard.

The first step is to get the sensor value in. Worry about units conversion later.

When you read the sensor do you get a value that correlates to what you see on the victron?

No I see my actual temperature in F in victron in the Cerbo GX.

And what value is modbus giving you?

There are a few different ways to say this. the little circlet has different ascii codes in different fonts, and there’s one font that gives you that all in one ascii character. Try others and it may fix things.

I usually find a temp sensor that HA likes, and copy paste that.
Also try without the little circlet.