I have a camera that is not integrated to HA so to get motion I have the camera send a video-clip when there is motion via FTP to the HA www folder, then I use “Folder Watcher” to send me an event if I´m not home. All is working fine but I have one issue and that is that the camera always send the timestamp of the motion event so a file would be “IMG02172019133226.mp4” this makes it hard to use the video in a dynamic way like Lovelace iframe as the URL of the video change all the time.
Do anyone know a way to change the file automatic to maybe “capture.mp4” and also overwrite the old “capture.mp4” so it will only be one file in the folder?
I have something somewhat similar. In my case I have both a PIR motion sensor and camera integrated with HA. When the sensor detects motion, I have the camera take a snapshot. Then I invoke an external python script to update the snapshot folder. By this I mean I have it maintain a symbolic link that points to the most recent snapshot. It also keeps the latest N snapshots by removing any older ones beyond that many.
In your case you would use your existing trigger. Then you could use the same technique (possibly modified slightly for your particulars.) In any case, here is the “package” with the automation, etc.:
update_snaps: python3 /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/update_snaps.py
- alias: Foyer Snapshot
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.foyer_burglar
condition: template
value_template: >
{{ trigger.to_state is not none and
trigger.to_state.state|int > 0 and
states('camera.lr_ipc') in ('streaming', 'recording') }}
- service: camera.snapshot
entity_id: camera.lr_ipc
filename: >
- service: shell_command.update_snaps
- platform: local_file
name: LR IPC Last Motion
file_path: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/snapshots/lr_ipc_last_motion.jpg
And here is the external python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from glob import glob
import os
SNAPS_DIR = '/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/snapshots'
SNAPS = [('lr_ipc_motion_*.jpg', 'lr_ipc_last_motion.jpg')]
for snap in SNAPS:
snap_list = sorted(glob(os.path.join(SNAPS_DIR, snap[0])))
if snap_list:
snap_link = os.path.join(SNAPS_DIR, snap[1])
os.symlink(snap_list[-1], snap_link)
for f in snap_list[:-MAX_SNAPS]:
If you think you might find this useful, and you have any questions, let me know.