Videostorm NetPlay Device - Control TCP/Telnet

Does anyone have any advice on a good way to control this device?

NetPlay TCP control port
Protocol: TCP/Telnet
Port: 23 (single connection only)
Port: 9091 (multiple connection capable)

NetPlay VM controls
Note: using aaa=000 means control all enabled decoders

Vaaabbb :Video output control
aaa is a number 001-999 selects the desired sink to control
bbb is a number 001-999 selects the source to switch the output to
NOTE: VTX sinks can use this to select source audio

Aaaabbb :Audio return channel output control
aaa is a number 001-999 selects the desired audio sink to control
bbb is a number 001-999 selects the input (decoder) to switch the output to
NOTE: aaa&bbb are SINK bindings on this command. To use the VTX
audio outputs it must also be bound as a SINK